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October 26, 2021 @ 7:45 AM

The book of Revelation’s “Mystery, Babylon the Great” is undoubtedly America. While I’ll not take the time to prove this point in this post, you can read an abundance of scriptural substantiation of it in my series of articles entitled: Little Big Horn and the Christians’ Last Stand. You can find the articles here on our Time For Truth website: https://bit.ly/3vINAkx


According to the book of Revelation, when God’s destructive judgment falls on America (Mystery Babylon), it’s “merchants,” who had become “the great men of the earth,” will no longer be able to deceive “all nations” by their “sorceries” (Revelation 18:23). The Greek word ............

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October 24, 2021 @ 7:00 AM

That all COVID-19 vaccines are a novel kind of vaccine that has never been used on human beings before is an indisputable fact. At the same time, however, this fact about the vaccines must remain unspoken in our society, lest the valorous person valiant enough to say it be vilified for valiantly doing so. If, as we’re repeatedly told, the vaccines are both safe and effective, why is the novelty of them swept under the rug in our society? Whether than scrutinizing COVID-19 vaccines in the spotlight, as we do all new life-saving discoveries, this one must be kept in the shadows, to stop it from being scrupulously scrutinized at all. Why?


As proof positive of their novelty, COVID-19 vaccines have, according to our Centers For .........

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October 23, 2021 @ 7:30 AM

The Bible has much to say about the humane treatment of strangers in our land. However, these Scriptural admonitions, like all others, can only be properly interpreted in the light of context and other Scripture. As it is often said, “The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible.” When particular verses are pulled out of context and severed from all other Scripture the inevitable result is heresy. Cults are good examples of the inescapable consequences of such poor exegesis. Though they claim the Bible as their spiritual authority, they are guilty of twisting the Scripture “unto their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16).


Many Christians make a blanket-application of every Scriptural admonition concerning the .........

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October 16, 2021 @ 9:00 AM

As we saw in our last post, in this most important series of posts, the quasi-republic of ancient Rome was eventually superseded by Caesarism. What reportedly started out as a representative republic, became a dictatorship, under the most despotic despots of all time. Thanks to Rome’s Imperial Cult, the Caesars enjoyed immunity from all accountability, which enabled them to become the greatest dictators the world has ever known. 


With the Imperial Cult dubbing Caesar as divine, not only as a god in the Roman pantheon, but also as the divine embodiment of the divinity of the Roman Empire, and with Caesar also idolized as the tribune of the Roman people, all opposition to Caesar was seen as tantamount to: (1) profaning the.........

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October 13, 2021 @ 7:00 AM

Any attempt to talk about present-day politics tends to deteriorate into a tit for tat tirade over which evil is the lesser evil. Are Democrats more evil than Republicans or are Republicans more evil than Democrats? Can’t we just dispense with this interminable tit for tat by conceding that they’re both evil? As I’ve said for years, “Democrats are godless and Republicans are gutless, and I've got no use for either of them!”


While Democrats and Republicans are both despicable, they are different in their despicableness. For instance, Democrats incessantly wield character assassinating accusations against all who dare to disagree with their preposterous political policies. Like any good trial lawyer,............

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October 5, 2021 @ 8:30 AM

It’s time for some plain talk, though it will, in today’s America, as it always has for all prophets of God in this fallen world, get my voice exiled to the wilderness (John 1:23). America’s most formidable foe and serious threat is not Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Xi Jinping’s Communist China, the mad mullahs of Iran, the new terrorist haven in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, or North Korea's Kim Jong-un, as disconcerting as it is for this nut to have nukes. Instead, the greatest threat to our representative republic is the Democratic Party, which is presently unraveling it right under our noses. 


Democrats are devoted to destroying everything our country has ever stood for, as well as everything.........

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October 3, 2021 @ 6:30 AM

As we observed in our last post, in this most important series of posts, an iron representative republic is ever-prone to evolve into something positively nightmarish. While it has begun to do so right before our very eyes in today’s America, it began to do so in ancient Rome when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon.


Whereas the myth of Romulus and Remus provides us with the story, as fanciful as it may be, of the founding of the city of Rome, the story of the founding of the Roman Empire begins with Julius Caesar. The roots of Caesarism are to be traced back to the historical figure Julius Caesar, who crossed the Rubicon, conquered Rome militarily, and had himself proclaimed “Dictator in Perpetuity” or “.........

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October 1, 2021 @ 7:00 AM

Liberal elitists have been walking around with their noses in the air for years, peering down their long snooty schnozzles at the rest of us as their intellectual inferiors. Take Hillary Clinton for an example; she denounced dissenters to liberal indoctrination and her presidential inauguration as a “basket of deplorables.” Liberals’ cheeky conceit was on full display in a recent gubernatorial debate in Virginia, where the Democratic candidate, Terry McAuliffe, said out loud what liberals have believed for years; namely, that parental rights ought to be revoked when it comes to their children’s education. According to McAuliffe, parents should have no say so in the indoctrination of their posterity by progressive .........

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