January 19, 2022 @ 5:30 AM
Canada, our full-blown antichrist neighbor to the north, has effectively banned and outlawed the Bible. For instance, way back in 2019, a Canadian Christian, Bill Whatcott, was fined $55,000 for referring to a man claiming to be a woman as a man rather than a woman. Furthermore, Mr. Whatcott was additionally threatened by the Canadian court with more severe legal consequences if he continued to refuse to echo the dictates of the militant LGBT community and to embrace Biblical doctrines, such as Genesis 1:27—"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Today, a new Canadian law, which describes Biblical belief in heterosexuality and cisgender identity as............
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January 12, 2022 @ 11:30 AM
Although medical science has been co-opted in America today by both political and economic science, we’re going to take a deep dive into its co-opting by economic science in this edition of Time For Truth’s The Wilderness Voice. Our country’s current GDP—gross domestic product—is around $17 trillion annually. Most Americans believe that our military makes up the major portion of our GDP; however, America spends almost six times more on our healthcare—$4 trillion a year—than it does on our military—$680 billion a year.
As was proven by America’s emergence from the Great Depression, during World War II, war can be a powerful economic driver. Even more so, when our government .........
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January 2, 2022 @ 5:25 AM
Throughout Christian History, Christians have speculated about the Book of Revelation’s Mark of the Beast. Everything from the birthmark on Mikhail Gorbachev’s forehead to our Social Security number has been suspected of being this Biblically predicted evil emblem, the reception of which will spare us from end-time starvation, but do so at the forfeiture of our immortal soul. Therefore, it is not surprising that suspicions are now swirling among the saints over whether or not the 19 in COVID-19 vaccines is somehow calculable to 666.
Permit me to emphatically state from the outset that neither current COVID-19 vaccines nor booster shots fill the bill for the Biblically predicted Mark of the Beast. No one who has opted to............
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