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Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Whether or not you believe this reported incident was a condescending smear against Christians, one thing you should know for sure, along with every other America, is that the Democratic Party is definitely antichrist. After all, Democrats booed the Boy Scouts of America off the stage of their 2000 national convention in Los Angeles, then, in an even more egregious display of their utter ungodliness, booed any mention of God being added to their party's platform during its 2012 national convention in Charlotte.


Remember, back during his 2008 run for the White House, Barack Obama—who Oprah Winfrey called "the one," who Michael D'Antuono painted as "the truth," and who Jamie Foxx professed as "our lord and savior”—said that the problem with small town America was that it was populated by bitter bigots that "cling to guns or religion.”


When Mike Johnson, a Bible-believing Christian, was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2023, Jan Psaki, Joe Biden’s former Press Secretary, called him a dangerous "religious fundamentalist," of whom all Americans should be scared. Comedian Bill Maher compared Johnson to the perpetrator of a mass shooting in Maine and the Daily Beast compared him to the mad mullahs of Iran and to the Taliban. Not to be outdone in the demonizing of Mike Johnson, Democratic strategist James Carville, not only called Johnson "one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States," but also "a bigger threat than al-Qaeda to [our] country.”


In both 2021 and again in 2023, antichrist Democrats passed their much ballyhooed Equality Act, which, if ever signed into law, would strip Christians in America of their religious freedom. This law, which Tony Perkins, the President of the Family Research Council, has called “the greatest assault on religious freedom” in the history of our country, would literally outlaw all Christian beliefs deemed discriminatory by Democrats toward the LGBTQ community. All Christians in America would be coerced, under threat of civil litigation or criminal prosecution, to compromise their Biblical beliefs and Christian convictions, in order to conform to the radical agenda of militant homosexuals. When the passage of this antichrist law was protested by Republican Congressman Greg Steube, as being not only contrary to God’s Word, but also to God’s will, Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler defiantly declared, “God’s will is no concern of this Congress.”  


In 2023, Democratic senators joined together to sponsor the "Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation Act,” which would have effectively outlawed all Christian pregnancy crisis centers in America, as disinformation hubs that are endangering the health and wellbeing of women.  


In 2022, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, ruled against Republicans and in favor of Democrats, in claiming states have a constitutional right not only to counsel minors about their "sexual orientation and gender identity," but also to outlaw any counseling of minors contrary to that offered by the state. In other words, states have the power now to dictate to the public whatever they deem necessary for individual wellbeing and public safety. Furthermore, they also have the power to silence and censor all dissenting voices, as well as to prosecute those who refuse to be silenced and censored.


This earthshaking ruling, which specifically targeted what Democrats and the LGBTQ community call “conversion therapy,” literally outlaws the preaching of repentance in America, which Christ commissioned His church to preach not only here in America, but to all nations everywhere (Luke 24:47). It’s safe to say, that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, at the bidding of Democrats and the LGBTQ community, has now granted states the constitutional right to criminalize the church’s fulfilling of Christ’s Great Commission.


Also in 2022, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to crack down on Christians’ so-called conversion therapies. This executive order, entitled “Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Individuals,” was, according to Biden, intended to "safeguard LGBTQI+ youth” from harmful Christian counseling. That’s right, your president believes that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the preaching of repentance is harmful to LGBTQI+ youth, and therefore should be stopped and silenced in America. 


I could literally go on and on with a profusion of other proofs that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Democratic Party has become a party of antichrists. For instance, we’ve not even mentioned such things as the Biden and Obama Administrations’ intentional targeting of America’s evangelical Christians as potential domestic terrorists, or The New York Times, which has become nothing more than the newsletter of the Democratic Party, blaming the COVID-19 pandemic on America’s unvaccinated evangelicals. Still, we’ve provided ample proof in this post to prove to every openminded Bible-believing Christian that the Democratic Party is not your friend, but your fierce foe. Far from protecting your faith, Democrats have become outright persecutors of your faith, who are hellbent on outlawing your profession of it, your practice of it, and your preaching of it to others.