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Friday, July 26, 2024


The Bible clearly teaches us to pursue peace with all men as far as it is possible (Romans 12:18). However, the implication is clear, some times it's not possible. Contrary to popular opinion, Jesus did not come to bring peace on earth, but a sword (Matthew 10:34-36). He warned that following Him would not only turn members of our own households against us, but also cause the world to hate us for His name's sake (John 15:18-21). Granted, Christ is coming again not only to bring peace on earth, but also to rule over it with a rod of iron (Isaiah 2:4; Revelation 19:11-16), but until then, we will be persecuted by this world and find peace an impossibility with many within it. 


According to a recently released survey, from Eric Kaufman, a political science professor at the University of Buckingham, one-third of Democrats wish Thomas Matthew Crooks had been successful in his failed attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Kaufman's survey also found that a majority of Democrats condemn all white Republicans as racists. Although liberal Democrats’ utter contempt and death-dealing condemnation of conservative Republicans is not exactly equivalent to our Christ-rejecting world’s contempt and condemnation of redeemed Christians, it is so akin to it as to be comparable with it. Furthermore, it serves as proof positive that peace between today’s Democrats and Republicans is no more possible than peace between today’s Christ-rejecting world and Christians. After all, you can’t possibly pursue peace with those who are hellbent on excoriating you and eliminating you.