January 2, 2024 @ 9:00 AM

I'm no economist. Money is something I've had little experience with, since I've had little of it, having spent my life living on a regular preacher's income rather than a megachurch pastor's or a televangelist's income. I've pastored churches who prayed for me, "Lord, you keep him humble, we'll keep him poor." Still, it doesn't take Milton Friedman or J. Paul Getty to figure out that our financial house of cards is about to collapse. Our stock market keeps soaring on paper money airplanes kept in the air by American avarice. Our job market is grossly overestimated, since many of the new jobs it touts are old jobs that workers are simply returning to, now that businesses, previously shutdown by our government during the pandemic, are rehiring. Our national debt has reached such astronomical heights that the annual revenue of our federal government is insufficient to fund our entitlement programs alone and to pay just the interest on our debt. Our government coffers, which are funded by our government's picking of our pockets, are empty, and our pockets are lint-filled, thanks to crippling inflation. We are truly a nation that is living on hot checks. Consumer spending, which is peddled as proof of a strong economy, is undermined by the facts that credit card debt is off the charts and that defaults on credit card debt are rising to a new all-time high, both of which prove that most Americans are not prospering, but purchasing whatever their hearts desire with the magic of plastic, despite the fact that they can ill afford such impulsive buying and compulsive shopping. In addition to all of this, new cars are being priced out of the market and to purchase a home you have to be either delusional or extremely deep pocketed, which is a foreboding forewarning of a coming real estate crisis that will be like the Hindenburg bursting into flames when compared to the little bubble busting one of 2008. Now, I'm not writing this Wilderness Voice to get you to rush out and invest in gold, to purchase a warehouse full of survival food, or to make sure your bank deposits are FDIC insured or withdrawn and buried in a can in your backyard. Instead, I'm writing this Wilderness Voice to open your eyes to the financially precarious predicament we're all presently in, as well as in hopes God may use it to persuade you to turn to Him in absolute trust, since He alone is trustworthy and the only sure safeguard we have against the coming collapse of America's tottering financial house of cards. Rather than burying your money in your backyard or stocking your cupboard with survival food, I suggest you start spending a lot more time on your knees and in your prayer closet, with your head buried in your hands in 2024.