October 1, 2024 @ 7:00 AM

Last week, in his speech at the Sant'Egidio International Meeting for Peace, which was held in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a "new international order." According to Macron, a new order is needed to maintain peace around the world, because "our order today is incomplete and unjust." The war in Ukraine, Macron alleges, necessitates a "new form of organization of Europe" and that the European community "rethink" its "relationship to Russia."


The wise King Solomon observed in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that there is nothing new under the sun. There is certainly nothing new about Macron's call for a new world order; after all, an American President, George H. Bush, called for the very same thing way back in 1991. According to our late president, the Gulf War in Iraq necessitated a new world order that would halt aggression by the powerful over the powerless.


World leaders, including American presidents, have been calling for a new world order for decades, one in which a one world government will usurp global control and usher in a socialist utopia on a paradisiacal planet. Organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, have been founded for the express purpose of bringing to pass this long dreamed of one world governance. As Klaus Schwab, the founder and president of the World Economic Forum, has predicted, the world is undergoing a great reset, in which you will eventually own nothing and be happy.


To accomplish the objective, with which they are obsessed, globalists must erase national borders, eliminate national sovereignty, and, most importantly, remove the one big obstacle in their way, our world's only remaining superpower, the United States of America. It is only from America's ruins that globalists' new world order can arise. 


As it has been poignantly pointed out, Democrats' open border policy, along with their other ruinous policies, all appear to be intentional. In other words, it looks like they are erasing our border, eliminating both our national sovereignty and security, and ruining our representative republic deliberately. The shocking truth is; they really are! It's no accident. They are doing what any good globalist would do; namely, paving the way for their worldwide socialist utopia by eliminating the one big obstacle still standing in the way of their long dreamed of new world order.  


According to the Bible, America"MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF ALL HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH"will definitely be destroyed by God, who will use globalists, such as those that makeup the European Union, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and America's own Democratic Party, to bring about America's demise. Furthermore, once our representative republic is finally ruined and removed from the way, the globalists' new world orderthe Biblically predicted beastly world power of the end-timewill rise from our ruins, to lead our whole fallen world in its final all-out-war on God's people, both His chosen peopleIsrael and the Jewsand His elect peoplethe church and Christians. 


We are on the precipice of all end-time Bible prophecy coming to pass right before our eyes in these very days. Unfortunately, the world, as well as most of the church, is totally blind to it. We are hurrying helter-skelter into it with our eyes shut tight and our fingers in our ears. Little do we know that the ruination of our representative republic is preordained by God, that the Biblically predicted beastly world power of the end-time is destined to rise from our ruins, and that the globalists' long dreamed of new world order is just around the corner. However, according to the sacred Scripture, not to mention much to the globalists' chagrin, the coming new world order won't usher in heaven on earth, but the greatest hell on earth this fallen world has ever known. In fact, as Jesus Himself taught, only His Second Coming will prevent the globalists' new world order from resulting in the extermination of all life on planet earth (Matthew 24:21-22).