October 12, 2024 @ 9:00 AM

The Nobel Peace Prize has just been rewarded to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese group of atomic-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. According to the Nobel Committee, the prize was not only given to the group for “its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons," but also "for demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again.” In announcing Nihon Hidankyo as the Nobel Peace Prize winner, the Nobel Committee credited the group for "contributing greatly to the establishment of the nuclear taboo"; that is, that "no nuclear weapon has been used in war in nearly 80 years."


In no way do I mean to demean atomic-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but to suggest that Nihon Hidankyo, a group that hardly anyone in the world has ever heard of, is to be credited for keeping anymore mushroom clouds from going up in our world since 1945 is absolute nonsense. We all know, though we may not want to admit it, that the real deterrence to nuclear war since 1945 has been the Cold War policy adopted by us and the Soviet Union. This policy, known as MAD—Mutual Assured Destruction—assured both us and the Soviets that a nuclear strike by either of us would result in the nuclear annihilation of both of us. Thus, we stood toe to toe during the years of the Cold War without our world ever being enveloped in a giant mushroom cloud. 


Today, the Cold War is over, the Soviet Union is no more, and nuclear weapons are possessed by several nations, not just us and Russia. What is even more disconcerting is that some of these nukes are in the hands of nuts, like Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Then, most disconcerting of all, is the frightening fact that the mad dash to acquire nuclear weapons by the mad mullahs of Iran appears to be only days away from crossing the finish line. A nuclear armed Iran, our planet’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, is a terrifying prospect, especially since the Shiite Muslims of Iran, unlike our sworn enemy during the Cold War, the Soviets, are not sane, but crazy. If you don’t believe me, just consider the following.


Shiite Muslims are awaiting the 12th Imam—the Mahdi or Muslim messiah. They believe that when he comes, he will lead them to bring the whole world to its knees in submission to Allah, the god of Islam. Many present-day Shiites also believe that America and Israel are the chief obstacles preventing their Mahdi from coming. Therefore, it is their religious duty to remove these obstacles from the face of the earth and prepare the way for their Mahdi to come and usher in the long awaited utopia of his worldwide caliphate.


In light of the above, we need to remember that it is Shiite Muslims, like the Iranians, who gave our world its suicide bombers. Iran’s late Ayatollah Khomeini, taught his countrymen that "the purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed for Allah." According to the late Ayatollah Kkomeini, suicide bombing is the swiftest and surest way for a Muslim to gain entrance into everlasting paradise. It was Islam's founder, the Prophet Mohammed, who taught that all jihad (holy war) martyrs instantly entered at the instant of their death the Martyr’s House, which the prophet promised to be the best house in all of paradise. According to Mohammed, the Martyr's House is made of palaces of pearl and mansions of crystal, sapphire and diamonds. In each mansion there are 70 houses. In each house there are 70 rooms. In each room there is a table with 70 different kinds of food and a bed with 70 sheets of different colors. And on each sheet is a virgin waiting to have sex with the jihad martyr forever. 


A few years ago, a former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, publicly proclaimed that Iran would wipe Israel off the map the moment it acquired a nuclear weapon. When a reporter asked President Ahmadinejad whether or not he understood that a nuclear strike against Israel would result in a retaliatory strike against Iran, ole "Mad Hatter" Mahmoud responded: "What do we care? We'll be in paradise and they'll be in hell." Obviously, Ahmadinejad, or as I preferred to call him, "I'm A Nut Job,"  believes, like many present-day Iranians, that nuclear war is the ultimate suicide bombing and a swift and sure passage into paradise for the Iranian people.


When the mad mullahs of Iran promise to “wipe Israel off of the map,” as soon as they get their hands on a nuclear weapon, they’re not kidding, and according to reports, they are now only days away from getting their hands on a nuclear weapon. Having just launched the largest ballistic missile attack in the history of the world against Israel, is there any doubt that the mad mullahs of Iran will launch a nuclear missile against Israel as soon as they acquire one? After all, they literally, albeit ludicrously, believe it is their religious duty to do so. 


Israel has actually been given a gift by the madness of the mad mullahs, in that their ballistic missile attack upon Israel has opened the door for the Israelis to retaliate against Iran by striking and destroying all of its nuclear facilities. Unbelievably, the Biden Administration, which has done nothing but appease the mad mullahs of Iran, along with the rest of Western Civilization’s increasingly antisemitic and Iranian appeasing nations, are not just refusing to join with the Israelis in the destroying of Iran’s nuclear program, but are also attempting to deter Israel from eliminating this great peril to our whole planet. If Israel misses this opportunity to end the mad mullahs’ mad dash to a nuclear weapon, by being deterred from doing so by the rest of our wacky world, you may soon see a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv, the first our world has seen since 1945. Furthermore, I can assure you of this, no Nobel Peace Prize winning Nihon Hidankyono will be able to talk the mad mullahs of Iran out of sending up that mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv, since the mad mullahs believe they are religiously duty-bound to do it, in order to prepare the way for their coming Mahdi’s worldwide caliphate. Is there any wonder that the Apostle Paul predicted that earth's last days would be the most perilous [dangerous] time this fallen planet has ever known (2 Timothy 3:1)?