October 1, 2020 @ 11:30 AM

I'm often asked how Democrats can be so brazen in their treachery and hypocrisy. The simple answer is media complicity. Rather than being a watchdog for the people, alerting the populace to any hint of political chicanery, today's media is a lapdog for Democrats, providing cover for their political chicanery by reporting it as proof of their impeccable integrity. Consequently, Democrats are emboldened and enabled to commit malfeasance without any fear of accountability, which explains their audacious anarchy and shameless hypocrisy. 


Although there is nothing subtle anymore about the perpetration of political bias by the mainstream media, a fact proven by the way it is daily, persistently, and proudly displayed, there are still occasions when it may go undetected by the inattentive. A good example of this is Chris Wallace's moderating of Tuesday night's presidential debate.


It's being reported that Wallace interrupted Trump 76 times, while he interrupted Biden only 15 times. It's also reported that Wallace allowed Biden considerably more time to speak than Trump, and that Wallace himself actually spoke more times during the debate than Trump did. It is inarguable that Wallace, right or wrong, interjected himself into the debate repeatedly; in fact, less than 12 minutes into the debate, Trump said to Wallace, "I guess I'm debating you, not him." 


In one noticeable instance of Wallace's interruptions, he appears to rescue Biden from an embarrassing moment. When Trump pressed Biden to name a single law enforcement organization that had endorsed him for president, Wallace quickly stepped in to rescue a flustered Biden by saying, "Gentleman, I’m gonna take back control. And I want to get to another subject.”


Another easily detectable difference between Wallace’s treatment of the two candidates was how Wallace insisted that Trump answer his specific questions, but gave Biden a pass, even when he blatantly refused to straightforwardly answer specific questions. For instance, Wallace insisted that Trump answer his “specific question” as to whether or not he had paid “federal income taxes in 2016 and 1017.” However, when Joe Biden shamelessly stated, “I’m not gong to answer the question,” to Chris Wallace’s question, “Are you willing to tell the American people tonight, whether or not you support packing the court,” Wallace simply moved on without insisting that Biden answer. This, in spite of the fact that packing the Supreme Court would effectively remove the judicial branch of our federal government, turning the highest court in our land into a rubber stamp to Democrats’ radical socialist agenda.


Adolf Hitler believed that propaganda paved the path to totalitarianism. He famously proclaimed, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” For this reason, Hitler set up a Ministry of Propaganda, led by Joseph Goebbels, who thought of the press “as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” It is the media in modern-day America that is tickling the ivories as our ministry of propaganda. Daily we are being inundated with misinformation or downright fabrications intended to manipulate us rather than educate us. And some times, like this past Tuesday night, it’s less conspicuous and far more crafty. Therefore, as stewards of the truth, the saints should always be on their toes, watching out for either the shrewd white lies or shameless whoppers of today’s wily fourth estate!