June 22, 2020 @ 6:30 AM

A former New York Times journalist, Alex Berenson, has coined the perfect phrase for the mainstream media’s reporting on the coronavirus. He has dubbed it “panic porn.” That our press, politicians, and health care professionals have formed a perfect cabal to undermine our representative republic should be clear by now to any American with an ounce of gray matter. Having failed to bring us all under the iron fist of Big Brother by threatening us for years with apocalyptic climate change, these snakes in the grass have quickly pivoted to a pandemic in order to finally get their fangs into us.


Overnight they seized control of our country, as well as its commerce, citizenry, and churches. What is most astonishing, however, is that they’ve pulled it off without a peep of protest from most Americans, who’ve been appreciative to them for taking total control over us in order to take such tender loving care of us. Unbeknownst to the average American, our new caregivers are really our new chieftains. By surrendering ourselves to their care we’ve also surrendered ourselves to their control.


I know many will argue that the coronavirus necessitated drastic action to prevent the deaths of millions of Americans. Yet, there are two sharp points that easily run this argument through. First, whatever drastic actions may or may not have been called for should have been a matter of personal choice. While our government has the responsibility to inform us for our protection, it does not have the constitutional power to incarcerate us for our protection. While it has the responsibility to render to us needed services, it does not have the right to reduce us to servitude. After all, our government is our servant, not our sovereign, and we are over it, not it over us.


Second, the mainstream media’s reporting of the coronavirus, which Alex Berenson has appropriately dubbed “panic porn,” has proven to be mostly propaganda. This is not to say that the coronavirus is not a serious illness nor that thousands have not tragically died from it. It is to say, however, that it needs to be put in proper perspective. For instance, consider the following.


Diagnoses of coronavirus cases are increasing to record numbers in parts of our country today. This increase in diagnoses is being attributed to increase testing. Surprisingly, at the same time coronavirus diagnoses are increasing, coronavirus fatalities are decreasing. How are we to explain this seeming anomaly?


Obviously, far more Americans were actually afflicted with the virus back when far less testing was taking place? Of course, this means the fatality rate for the virus was actually much lower than previously reported. It is probably safe to say, in light of increased testing, that the coronavirus fatality rate is somewhere in the vicinity of the seasonal flu. Now, ask yourself, would you have allowed your government to seize control of your life and livelihood, to shutdown your business or workplace, to close your church, and to put you under house arrest to prevent you from catching the flu.


If you’re alright with our government seizing such tyrannical power and suspending your civil liberties in order to curb the spread of a flu-like illness, then sleep on. If not, then you better wake up! You've been had, your Christian Faith is being harassed, your country has been hijacked, and your constitutional rights are hanging in the balance.