September 1, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

Talk is cheap, especially when it is nothing but hot air spewed out of both corners of your mouth. The dead body of an executed American hostage of Hamas, whose parents spoke at the Democratic National Convention last month, to Democrat delegates' chant, "Bring them home," was found overnight by the IDFIsrael Defense Forcesalong with the bodies of five other executed hostages. Kamala Harris, Democrats' presidential candidate, along with Joe Biden, our Democrat president, have been straddling the fence in Gaza and driveling doublespeak for months, in order to appease the antisemitic and pro-Palestinian wing of their political party. While they've proclaimed, out of one corner of their mouths, their support for Israel's defense of itself, as well as Israel's right to destroy Hamas, they've also, at the very same time, and out of the other corner of their mouths, pressured and prevented Israel from fully doing either. 


Biden and Harris have withheld bombs from Israel, which were needed to destroy Hamas' tunnel network, where many Hamas terrorists are hiding. They've believed Hamas' fabricated figures on how many "innocent civilians" are being indiscriminately killed by the IDF, despite Hamas' unconventional and inhumane military strategy, to use civilians as human shields and hospitals, schools, and mosques as military command centers and arsenals. They've also fueled antisemitic, pro-Palestinian, and anti-Israel protests, not only throughout our country, but also throughout our world, by taking at face value and freely propagating Hamas' propaganda on civilian causalities, which is solely intended by Hamas, with the help of their useful idiots, to incite a global intifada against Israel. In addition, Biden and Harris have also clearly prolonged the war in Gaza, as well as the suffering of Gazans, by tying Israel's hands and preventing the IDF from finishing the job; that is, from finishing off Hamas.  


One of the great ruses of our day is the propagated "innocence" of the Palestinian people. If you don't believe me, then, consider the following. First, consider a video posted by Zach Sage Fox, a Jewish American who recently passed himself off as an Italian to enter the Palestinian Authority controlled area of the West Bank, in order to survey its Palestinian residents about their support for Hamas. Although Israelis are forbidden from entering the area, Fox was told, if he could keep the fact that he was Jewish concealed, the area's Palestinian residents would "not kill him on the spot." 


Fox began his survey in Ramallah, with a so-called moderate Muslim, who not only spoke good English, but was also well educated, having earned a Master's degree. According to this "moderate" well educated Palestinian, no rapes occurred and no "innocent Israelis" were killed during Hamas' barbaric terrorist attack on October 7.  From here, Fox's experience in the Palestinian controlled West Bank went from bad to worse. One Palestinian resident after another voiced their support of Hamas, of its terrorist attack in Israel on October 7, and for the eradication of the state of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish people. After only an hour of interviewing Palestinians in Ramallah, Fox found himself surrounded by a group of men who threatened to kill him, if he did not delete his video footage of the interviews.


Second, consider Fox News' Mike Tobin's questioning of a Palestinian protestor in Chicago, during the Democratic National Convention, who was proudly waving a Hamas flag. When Tobin asked the man, "Do you support Hamas," the man unhesitatingly replied: "Every Palestinian supports Hamas, not just me, [but] every Palestinian." Tobin then asked a follow-up question, "Do you support October 7?" Again the man brazenly replied: "Yes I do! What's wrong with October 7? You tell me."


As the Palestinian residents in the West Band plainly proclaimed, to Zach Sage Fox, and as the Palestinian protestor in Chicago, during the DNC, plainly proclaimed to Fox News' Mike Tobin, polls also prove that many, if not most, Palestinians support Hamas. After all, the Palestinians of Gaza did elect Hamas as their governing entity. Therefore, the price Gazans are now paying for allowing Hamas to hide behind them and their children, while turning Gaza into a terrorist enclave, is at least partly their own fault. Is it tragic, yes; but nonetheless, it’s true, though our world refuses to face the fact of it. 


The Bible clearly warns us, “To be sure, for our sins will find us out" (Numbers 32:23). There is always an inevitable payday for sin, and not only for us, but often for our children as well, since Jehovah visits the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him (Exodus 20:5). It’s not just us who will suffer the high cost and horrible consequences of our sins, but often our children as well.