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November 29, 2016 @ 11:00 AM

I don't want anyone to misunderstand my posting of this cartoon to mean that I believe Donald Trump can make American great again, when we've turned our back on God, the One who made us great and the only One who can make us great again. However, this cartoon isn't something to laugh at, it holds a fundamental, but most frightening truth of our time. Liberals not only want, but have been working feverishly for years to undermine and destroy our great country. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, liberals have succeeded, thanks to camouflaging their nefarious intent under a cloak of politically correct doublespeak.
What I’m seeing happen to my beloved Smokies this morning, I&.........

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November 22, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

You talk about doubling-down on dumb, Democrats are considering making Kieth Ellison the Chair of the DNC. Ellison, an African-American from Minnesota, is our nation’s first Muslim congressman. He refused to be sworn-in to office with his hand upon a Bible, as every member of congress has been from our nation’s founding. Instead, Ellison insisted on being sworn-in with his hand upon a Koran.
Ellison’s Koran teaches that all people are to be fought until they are converted to Islam and under the control of the Islamic state. In addition, Ellison’s holy book also teaches that no opposition to the Islamic state is to ever be permitted. Obviously, these teachings of Ellison’s beloved Koran are .........

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November 20, 2016 @ 7:25 AM

As I predicted, in the morning light of his election, Donald Trump no longer feels the need to respect Christians who jumped in bed with him during the long night of his campaign. As proof that America’s evangelicals have once again been used and abused by another GOP john, consider how our new president-elect is starting to show his true rainbow colors. In an interview last Sunday night on CBS “60 Minutes,” Trump told Leslie Stahl that he not only believes the issue of same-sex marriage has been “settled” by the Supreme Court, but that he is “fine with that.”


Now, anyone not suffering from political colorblindness should have been able to see this coming. After all, Trump’s campaign ............

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November 16, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

Hypocrisy is proof of an unprincipled self-serving person; it proves someone's publicly professed convictions are merely a cover for a self-seeking agenda. Instead of blatantly demanding the adoration and allegiance of others, which would be appalling rather than appealing, the hypocrite attempts to make himself attractive by adorning himself with the penumbra of pretend piety. Nowhere is a greater cornucopia of hypocrisy to be found in all of the world today than among today's progressives, those tolerance preaching bleeding hearts who intolerantly call for the blood of anyone who refuses to march to their drumbeat in today's politically correct parade.
We all know how liberals readily and roundly condemn .........

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November 14, 2016 @ 6:30 AM

I hope you've taken the time to read our special Post Election Edition of Time For Truth's Time Capsule. I believe reading it prayerfully will persuade you that we are in perilous times in today's America. To further prove the present and unprecedented peril of our representative republic, I've decided to offer some additional incontrovertible evidence. 


The Bible teaches us that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). It also warns us that to fail to discipline our children is to be a party to their destruction (Proverbs 18:10). Adonijah, King David's undisciplined son, who rose up when he was grown and audaciously declared, "I will be king," ended up put to death by his own brother, Solomon, who ............

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November 12, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

Beneath the bleeding-hearts of liberals are the same black hearts we've seen beating throughout human history in the breasts of Utopiansthose who believe humanity can create its own heaven on earth by simply submitting to the totalitarianism of Utopianism. Regardless of the form it takes—communism, socialism or some other “ism”—Utopianism inevitably creates hell on earth rather than heaven on earth, a fact incontrovertibly proven by more than thirty-five hundred years of recorded human history. 


Instead of peace on earth, Utopianism always results in Machiavellian bloodshed, which is proven by the likes of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. Of course, in the minds of ............

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November 9, 2016 @ 8:30 AM

I've argued for years that evangelicals' willingness to sell their souls in presidential elections for the lesser of two evils does nothing but compromise our Christian witness and perpetuate a corrupt political system by continuously lowering the bar of American morality. As long as corrupt politicians can count on the votes of Christians for so cheap a price as a few false promises to perform a little lesser evil, politicians will never have any incentive to keep their promises or to offer us a righteous alternative to evil. Last night, I was amazed to hear my argument both made and confirmed on Fox News.
Bret Baier announced last night that Trump's victory was due in part to the highest evangelical turnout .........

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November 8, 2016 @ 6:30 AM

Although contrary to popular opinion, it's too late for elections to matter in America. We've passed a point of no return with God and there is no turning back. If you don't believe our country is spiritually reprobate and morally bankrupt, then all you have to do to convince yourself otherwise is look at the two choices we've reduced ourselves down to in today's presidential election―Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. 
Hopefully, after today, the church in America will turn its attention to it's true task in this world, which is not the salvation of our country through elections, but the salvation of God's elect through our fulfilling of Christ's Great Commission. 

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November 6, 2016 @ 7:00 AM

If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency Tuesday we will know what we are getting. As frightening as that is, what is far more frightening is that we will know why we are getting it, because we asked for it. We will have come to the place in this country where the American people no longer care who they elect to office, even to the highest office in our land, just as long as the one elected promises to impose the personal wants and whims of voters on the rest of the populace and to fill voters' pockets with more cash from bankrupt government coffers. On the other hand, if we elect Donald Trump to the presidency on Tuesday, we won't know what we're getting, since the Donald keeps flying different flags when it comes to his true ...

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November 5, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

I just read an article that the average American would not bother to shrug his shoulders over and raise an eyebrow about, but an article that shook the ground beneath my feet. According to the article, Democrats don't have a contingency plan for a Trump victory in this coming Tuesday's presidential election, because it is inconceivable to them that Trump could win and Hillary could lose.

Reading between the lines of this article reveals something absolutely startling. Liberal Democrats, who are really nothing but socialists, believe they have now created such government dependency in this country, as well as such disdain for all our country has ever stood for, among immigrants, both legal and illegal, among minorities, who are soon............

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