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March 29, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

I’ve just had an epiphany. It just dawned on me that the Freedom Caucus of the House of Representatives serves as an accurate barometer of our country's dire state and desperate situation. 
The Freedom Caucus is comprised of the real conservatives in Congress. Although its membership is not divulged to the public, there are around 30 members of the Freedom Caucus. Whereas the Freedom Caucus boast of around 30 members, the House of Representatives has 435 members. This means that the percentage of real conservatives among our elected representatives today is less than 7 percent. If we add to this fact, the number of Republicans currently serving in Congress, which is 237, we come to a startling realization. .........

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March 14, 2017 @ 3:00 PM

I know, I know, I know, few folks today are willing to take the time to dig out the facts so that they can form for themselves informed opinions. Most want to travel the easy road and the one most traveled by simply parroting whatever today’s politically correct culture is propagating. It’s so much easier to let others do your thinking for you. Why go to the painstaking trouble of thinking for yourself when you’ve been persuaded that the truth is always proven by prevailing public opinion. Just go with the flow and swim with the stream and save yourself from the hardships and harassment of going against the popular current. Of course, if today’s political correctness and prevailing public opinion are wrong, we are.........

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March 10, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

I saw this quote last night on Fox News' Special Report. Bret Baier asked Vice President Mike Pence what he had to say about it. Of course, Pence said nothing about it, but, like all good politicians today, stuck to the script of his party's talking points. The quote is from Philip Klein, the managing editor of the Washington Examiner, and it says what I've been trying to say about the Republicans' proposed "ObamaCare Lite" legislation better than I've been saying it. Here's Klein's quote, "Liberals... won the central philosophical argument, and Republicans are reduced to fighting over the mechanics." 
Klein's profound point is incessantly missed by today's .........

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March 8, 2017 @ 8:30 AM

Let's be clear, ObamaCare represented, as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said, a fundamental change in the relationship between government and its citizens. For the first time in American history, our government seized the power to mandate what we must buy. In its initial usurpation of such power it was healthcare insurance. What will it be next, and will our government, now that it has seized the power to force Americans to buy and sell, also exercise its usurped power by prohibiting Americans from buying and selling? Umm, seems like I read something about this in the Bible (Revelation 13:16-17). For God's sake folks, wake up!!!!
In additional to the omnimus prospects for our future raised by our government.........

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March 6, 2017 @ 6:00 AM












Here's you a "sticky wicket." Two preachers have been found guilty of the crime of "intentionally alarming" the public for preaching that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. Now, this did not occur in a communist country or Islamic state, but in Great Britain. The prosecutor prosecuting the two preachers actually argued that what they preached, that Jesus is the only God and the only way to God, "cannot be a truth.” The Gospel denying prosecutor, Ian Jackson, was successful in his prosecution of the two Gospel declaring preachers, Michael Stockwell and Michael Overd, who were both found guilty by the court ......

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March 3, 2017 @ 8:00 AM

I watched an old movie the other night called Mission to Moscow. It proves Hollywood could be as out to lunch back then as now. The only difference is, it was out to lunch at times back then, but all the time today. 
The movie was based on a 1941 book by Joseph E. Davies, who was FDR's ambassador to the Soviet Union. Hollywood made the movie at the prompting of FDR to persuade the American people that the communists of the Soviet Union were benign and would make trustworthy allies. Talk about getting two-fisted egg thrown in your face by history, I can't think of a more embarrassing example.
In one scene, Davies visits Winston Churchill to enlist him to “build…a solid wall of .........

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