August 21, 2017 @ 9:50 AM

To the open-eyed and open-minded American, of whom I fear there are few, our country is clearly seen as a powder keg about to explode. Civic discord has grown to dangerous proportions and our government has done nothing but douse these contentious fires with flammable fuel for decades. Far from easing social tensions, Washington D.C. has exacerbating them by proving itself to be the hotbed of our civic unrest. For years politicians have pitted one American against another in hopes of gaining votes at the polls. They’ve fan the flames of racial demagoguery and class warfare to the detriment of our country, for which they care not a whit, being solely concerned with the betterment of their political fortunes. 
As the Trump Administration and our Republican controlled Congress is incontrovertibly proving to any objective observer, our federal government is completely impotent to slow down, much less to stop, the formidable forces now arrayed against contemporary America, a country which no longer even resembles its former self. For instance, in today’s America, unlike yesterday’s America, the supreme right of the people is the right not to be offended by anyone, at any time, anywhere, over anything. This supreme right trumps all other rights; such as, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. If your speech, beliefs, or assembling is offensive to anyone for any reason, then, you no longer have the right to do it in today’s America.
Long ago, the ancient Prophet Daniel predicted that the world’s end-time Rome—superpower—would fall apart (Daniel 2:41-43). According to him, its inevitable demise would be precipitated by the mixture of iron, the authority of government, with clay, the appeasement of the governed. Although Daniel’s prediction is coming to pass right in front of our very eyes, as our country is torn apart by our government’s untenable attempt to appease our society’s unappeasable and competing ethnicities and classes, all of which are clamoring against one another for their particular rights and privileges, most present-day Americans are totally blind to America’s current and clear imploding. Even America’s evangelicals have shut their eyes to this biblical timeline indubitably found in today’s headlines.
Many believe Revelation’s church of Laodicea represents the apostate church at the end of time (Revelation 3:14-22). It is an apostate church because Christ is on the outside knocking to get in. Despite the fact that its spiritual lukewarmness is nauseating to Christ and that the Spirit of Christ is absent within it, the Laodicean church claims to be rich and in need of nothing. Interestingly, the Greek word “Laodicea” means “the rights of the people.” How descriptive of the contemporary church in America today—a church, like our country, that is all about appeasing people rather than pleasing God. Is there any wonder America’s contemporary church can’t see the imploding of contemporary America, since most contemporary Christians see the appeasing of people as the secret to church growth, just as most contemporary Americans see the appeasing of people as the solution to our societal unrest?