November 29, 2016 @ 11:00 AM

I don't want anyone to misunderstand my posting of this cartoon to mean that I believe Donald Trump can make American great again, when we've turned our back on God, the One who made us great and the only One who can make us great again. However, this cartoon isn't something to laugh at, it holds a fundamental, but most frightening truth of our time. Liberals not only want, but have been working feverishly for years to undermine and destroy our great country. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, liberals have succeeded, thanks to camouflaging their nefarious intent under a cloak of politically correct doublespeak.
What I’m seeing happen to my beloved Smokies this morning, I’ve seen happening to our world, and in particular to my country for years. It’s all going up in smoke! Now, I know most of my fellow countrymen are in denial. They will insist that the smoke is generated by a fog machine to which we need only to add strobe lights and rap music in order to party hardy. It seems like my fellow Americans are determined to dance themselves into the dark night of our country’s demise, ignoring the fact that the whole place is going up in flames.
You may protest that my proposition in this post is preposterous. “Why,” you may asks, “do liberals want to undermine and destroy the greatest of their own country?” The reason is found in their firmly held, but ill-fated utopianism; that is, their belief in a future ideal civilization created by a one-world government. Of course, for these starry-eyed globalist to accomplish this heaven on earth, America, the world’s only remaining superpower, has to be reduced to ashes. It is only from America’s ashes that this New World Order can arise. According to the Bible, something beastly is soon to rise from the ashes of our country. It will not be, as liberals have always envisioned it, heaven on earth; instead, it will be hell on earth, such as no one in this world has ever seen or even imagined. 
As horrified and heartbroken as I am at the smoke rising up from my beloved Smokies today, I’ve been more horrified and heartbroken for years at the smoke I see rising up from our world and my beloved country. Just as the smoke in the Smokies reminds us of what really matters in life, so should the dark billows rising up from our nation. As the ancient Prophet Amos proclaimed, It’s time for you to prepare to meet your God (Amos 4:12). Jesus is coming!