November 16, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

Hypocrisy is proof of an unprincipled self-serving person; it proves someone's publicly professed convictions are merely a cover for a self-seeking agenda. Instead of blatantly demanding the adoration and allegiance of others, which would be appalling rather than appealing, the hypocrite attempts to make himself attractive by adorning himself with the penumbra of pretend piety. Nowhere is a greater cornucopia of hypocrisy to be found in all of the world today than among today's progressives, those tolerance preaching bleeding hearts who intolerantly call for the blood of anyone who refuses to march to their drumbeat in today's politically correct parade.
We all know how liberals readily and roundly condemn Christian business owners for discrimination if they refuse to compromise their Christian convictions in the conducting of their businesses by providing morning after pills to female employees or products and services for same-sex wedding ceremonies. However, when a liberal Iowa restaurant owner deliberately and admittedly discriminates between patrons on the bases of which presidential candidate customers supported, all is quite in the quasi-land of liberalism, where trumped-up charges of intolerance are leveled against Christians who liberals find intolerable and where true discrimination is disregarded if perpetrated by a liberal against someone liberals find deplorable, like a Trump supporter.
It's high time we stopped fooling ourselves in America, liberals, despite all their bleeding heart rhetoric, are as mean as Hell's old bear dog. They're also antichrist and will stop at nothing and stoop to anything to silence the witness of the church in America. Progressives' hypocrisy is proof of this poisonous pudding. It is, therefore, high time we stopped letting liberals spoon feed us their politically correct concoction and ripped off their Florence Nightingale masks to expose them for the political "Lizzie Bordens" that they really are.