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February 23, 2015 @ 8:30 AM

I can't adequately express how perturbed I get over spiritual pansies in contemporary pulpits who pussyfoot around the critical issues of our time. Here is a perfect example of the kind of thing that perturbs me. Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, recently stated that the people and judges of Alabama are duty-bound out of "respect for the law" to submit themselves to the ruling of a federal judge, Callie Granade. Judge Granade took her gavel in hand and single-handedly overruled the voices of 697,591 Alabama voters who went to the polls to prohibit the legalization of same-sex marriage in their state. Of course, by single-handedly striking down the will and voices of the...

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February 19, 2015 @ 8:30 AM

The Prophet Mohammed attributed his success in spreading Islam to his use of terror. He said that he had both "been helped" and "made victorious with terror." He defined his mission in no uncertain terms, declaring, "I was commanded by Allah to fight with people until they say 'There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.' " He went even further when he vowed, "I swear by him who has my soul in his hands, I was sent to you with nothing but slaughter." 

In spite of the founder of Islam's clear teachings, our president insisted in his speech at yesterday's "Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" that: "No religion is responsible for terrorism." To our...

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February 16, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

On this President's Day let me publicly state how amazed I am at the low bar used by Americans to measure the Christian faith of our presidents. For instance, according to a recently released study by the Pew Research Center, "Almost all U.S. president's have been Christians." Included in the Pew Research Center's list of Christian presidents is Thomas Jefferson, a man who constructed his own Bible by cutting and pasting within it only select passages from the Gospels, passages that he referred to as "diamonds in a dunghill." Jefferson cut out of his Bible all of Christ's miracles, including Christ's resurrection, which he attributed to an attempt by “ignorant" and "unlettered men&...

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February 3, 2015 @ 6:55 AM

Our president, as he proved in a recent speech in India, is a perfect example of what I call a "Chameleon Christian." He bragged about the fact that his "Christian" faith is so indistinguishable that he is often believed to be a Muslim rather than a Christian. Can you imagine Mr. Obama making an equal boast about his liberal politics being so indistinguishable that he is often believed to be a conservative politician? Isn't it interesting that when it comes to his political ideology he insist upon a clear distinction, but when it comes to his religious faith he insist upon an ambiguous one?

Of course, "Chameleon Christians," those capable of changing their color to fit into today's politically correct ......

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