November 14, 2016 @ 6:30 AM

I hope you've taken the time to read our special Post Election Edition of Time For Truth's Time Capsule. I believe reading it prayerfully will persuade you that we are in perilous times in today's America. To further prove the present and unprecedented peril of our representative republic, I've decided to offer some additional incontrovertible evidence. 


The Bible teaches us that we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). It also warns us that to fail to discipline our children is to be a party to their destruction (Proverbs 18:10). Adonijah, King David's undisciplined son, who rose up when he was grown and audaciously declared, "I will be king," ended up put to death by his own brother, Solomon, who did succeed their father on the throne  (1 Kings 1:5-6; 2:24-25). Here, in this biblical story, we find a perfect illustration of the inevitable destruction of a poorly parented and undisciplined spoiled brat, one so stuck on himself that he coronates himself and expects everyone else to bow to his wishes and cater to his every demand.


America is now reaping what we have sown. For decades we've raised undisciplined spoiled brats, who believe they are entitled to everything they want, that others have no right to object to their demands or to oppose or offend them in anyway, and that there are no losers in life, but only winners. Consequently, America’s "Adonijahs" are now rising up in our streets and demanding that they be made our kings.


Anti-Trump protestors all over America are demanding the overthrow of our democratic process. They want all other voices silenced and all other votes nullified except their own, which they believe should be seen by all their dissenters and distractors as obligatory. This explains, according to a recent poll, why the majority of America’s “Adonijah” Generation, who felt the “Bern” for socialist Bernie Sanders during the democratic presidential primaries, say they have no problem with a socialist government. Indeed, replacing our representative form of government with a totalitarian one that will force our younger generation’s will on a coerced citizenry is exactly what America’s “Adonijahs” are now calling for in the streets of our democratic society.


That America’s “Adonijah” Generation represents the future of our country is certainly a harbinger of our impending destruction. Furthermore, the fact that the majority of American voters are aligned with them, which is proven by the fact that more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton (60.8 million) than for Donald Trump (60.3 million), attests to the looming and imminent ruin of our representative republic. As thousands of protestors continue to take to the streets of America, large-scale protests are being planned in our nation’s capital for January 20, the day of Donald Trump’s Inauguration as president. Truly, nothing like this has ever been seen before in the history of our country, but never before has our country raised an “Adonijah” Generation that audaciously declares that they will be our kings and our representative republic will be replaced by a socialist regime.