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August 28, 2015 @ 7:30 AM

As everyone knows, I'm no fan of either politically party. I've long said a pox on both their houses. Democrats are godless, Republicans are gutless, and I have no use for either of them. While the American people are much to blame for putting up with the corruption of present-day politics and settling each election cycle for a choice between evils, it is politicians like Hillary Clinton who embodies the evil of what our national elections have now been reduced to. However, this post is not my normal rant against the wickedness of Washington or the indifference of the electorate. Instead, it is a warning to the few sane people left in America that our country is being run by crazies; seriously, by people who are mentally ill.


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August 25, 2015 @ 12:30 PM

If you don't believe this country is toast, just consider the present and prospective candidates for the presidency on the Democratic side of the ledger. First, there is Hillary Clinton, who has been caught in a closet with her email server just like her husband was with a White House intern. Then, there is Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, who unlike other Democrats proudly admits it rather than denies it. There is also speculation that Joe Biden, the clown whose gaffes have at least provided us with a little comic relief during the Obama Administration's dismantling of America, is now considering exchanging his belled jester's cap for the hat of Chief Executive. And finally, there is talk that the hot air windbag who blew ......

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August 12, 2015 @ 7:00 AM

In light of megachurch Pastor T. D. Jakes’ announcement of his “evolving” position on same-sex marriage, a position that has evolved from opposition to support, my wife recently asked me why so many megachurch pastors are beginning to skirt the Scripture―biblical correctness―in deference to political correctness. I explained to her that today's megachurch pastors, like Gideon of old, are finding themselves snared by their own ephods. In Judges 8:22-27, the Israelites asked Gideon, a previous nobody who had been miraculously used by God to whip Israel's enemy, the innumerable Midianites, with a nothing army of 300 soldiers, to be king of Israel. To his credit, Gideon turned down the throne explaining ......

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August 5, 2015 @ 8:00 AM

Will the battle over the budget in Washington be different next time? Will it not be another predictable political rerun of Republicans feigning to toe the line on a government shutdown, Democrats foreboding warnings over all the impending disasters about to befall our nation over the shutdown of our "indespensable" federal burocracy, and Republicans finally caving in over bad press and their poor favorable ratings in public opinion polls? Some think it will be different next time, since it will not just be fiscal conservatives, but also social conservatives pushing for a government shutdown. Whereas fiscal conservatives push for a shutdown over a budget bloated with overspending and over taxation, social conservatives will add ......

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