November 20, 2016 @ 7:25 AM

As I predicted, in the morning light of his election, Donald Trump no longer feels the need to respect Christians who jumped in bed with him during the long night of his campaign. As proof that America’s evangelicals have once again been used and abused by another GOP john, consider how our new president-elect is starting to show his true rainbow colors. In an interview last Sunday night on CBS “60 Minutes,” Trump told Leslie Stahl that he not only believes the issue of same-sex marriage has been “settled” by the Supreme Court, but that he is “fine with that.”


Now, anyone not suffering from political colorblindness should have been able to see this coming. After all, Trump’s campaign for the presidency was strewn with harbingers of it. For instance, his campaign website sold “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts and pins. Trump himself boasted, at a fundraiser in June, that he was the best candidate for the “gay community.” And at a late campaign rally in Colorado, Trump carried a rainbow “LGBT’s for Trump” flag back and forth across the platform, after it was handed to him by a homosexual supporter.


In last Sunday night’s interview on “60 minutes,” Trump also reminded Leslie Stahl that he had mentioned the LGBTQ community at this summer’s Republican National Convention. According to Trump, his doing so “was so great,” because he has “been a supporter.” Well, here’s a bitter morning after pill for America’s once again duped evangelicals to swallow, the president they’ve just helped elect says he is a supporter of radical homosexuals who are hellbent on silencing the witness of the church in America. In fact, Trump even went as far as to assert in last Sunday night’s interview that “it’s irrelevant” for the church or anyone else in America today to deny the Supreme Court’s redefinition of the God ordained institution of marriage, since “it’s [now] law…settled..[and] done.” If you ask me, we’re done for, and America’s evangelical voters have helped to do us in.