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January 30, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

Am I glad to have a president who is willing to publicly call Madonna disgusting? Yes! Does this change anything in America? No! The incontrovertible truth about our country is found in the fact that the disgusting "Material Girl" has won both fortune and fame in America. This is who we are and what our country has become, a nation in which decadence and profanity lead to celebrity, not condemnation. I'm reminded in the face of such frightful vice across today's Fruited Plain of the words of Alexander Pope.

"Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace."

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January 27, 2017 @ 5:00 AM

I'll be the first to admit that it is a breath of fresh air to have an occupant of the Oval Office who: (1) has broken the mode of present-day politics (2) cuts through all the bureaucratic red tape (3) tramples rather than walks softly on politically correct eggshells (4) repeatedly beats the mainstream media at their own game (5) is insensitive to the tender sensibilities of snowflakes huddling in safe zones on college campuses (6) doubles down on double-dealing foreign powers (7) understands that you can't have national security without secure borders (8) supports cops rather than criminals (9) is too rich to be tied to lobbyists' purse strings, and (8) is no puppet on the string of a political party.

Still, this breath .........


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January 25, 2017 @ 9:00 AM

I received an article in my email today entitled: "Back-And-Forth Responses To Women’s March All Miss The Point." Unfortunately, the author of the article missed the point. I've received all kinds of responses to this picture we included in our last Time Capsule from Saturday's Women's March. Unfortunately, I'm afraid most of those who have responded have missed the point as well. This is not about “good people” who have differing opinions on social issues or different political ideologies. The radical feminist movement and its members, as well as a myriad of other movements and their members in modern-day America, are absolutely possessed by the spirit of antichrist.


In 1 John 4:1-3, the............

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January 23, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Here's all you need to know about the fib of women's lib. It's all about their hatred of Christ. This picture from Saturday's "Women's March" in Washington DC is worth a thousand words. It shows the loathsomeness of liberals and the profaneness of America's present-day progressives. Don't kid yourselves, beneath their pretend bleeding hearts and championed "tolerance" are hearts as black as night and as intolerant of Christ as any this fallen world has ever known. Truly, they will stop at nothing and stoop to anything, no matter how foul or foolish, to rid our land of the Christian Faith.
I find it most revealing that as soon as the pageantry of the Inauguration ended on .........

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January 20, 2017 @ 5:00 AM

If you believe America can succeed and become “great again,” while waving a defiant fist in the face of the Almighty and with our back clearly turned on Christ, then, today is a cartwheel turning day for you in our country. If, on the other hand, you, like me, don’t subscribe to such wishful thinking, believing, as the Bible clearly teaches, that it is nothing more than a pipe dream, you see through all the hoopla of this Inauguration Day to the harsh reality of our country’s dire and desperate spiritual straits. 
Contrary to the pie in the sky prognostications of Trump touting pipe dreamers, we’ve not turned the corner in America, but our still painted into one by our stiff-necked .........

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January 17, 2017 @ 6:00 AM

Democrats passed Obamacare before reading what was in the legislation. The legislation's chief architect later boasted that Democrats knew they could get away with their pig in a poke healthcare law because of the stupidity of the American people. Republicans are now vowing to repeal and replace Obamacare before they have a replacement. Why is their shot in the dark better than the Democrats' shot in the dark? Furthermore, doesn't this prove that Republicans are counting on our stupidity just as much as the Democrats did? One thing we do know, Republicans are promising to retain in their replacement of Obamacare all the things that have made Obamacare untenable; such as, government paid coverage for all the uninsured, mandates .........

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January 12, 2017 @ 7:00 AM

For years I've warned that climate change claimants are mere puppets on the strings of socialists puppeteers (politicians) who are using this pseudoscience, under the ruse of saving the planet, to enslave earth's people. They've already used it to gain control over things in our lives as minute as light bulbs in our living room lamps. This explains why any scientist relying on the scientific method rather than the consensus opinion of contemporary scientists is readily and roundly condemned and ostracized. No deviation from the party line is allowed; blind obedience is demanded. How else can our enslavers portray themselves as our saviors?

Climate change propaganda runs 24 hrs a day. The arguments go from ridiculous to .........

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