September 11, 2017 @ 8:30 AM

Ever since the days of ancient Babylon, which was the first great Gentile world power, every Gentile superpower has served as the Babylon of its day. For instance, Peter called Rome, the great Gentile world power of his day, "Babylon" in 1 Peter 5:13. As today's only remaining superpower, America serves as the "Babylon" of our present-day world.
Throughout the years many prophecy pundits have taught that America does not appear in Bible prophecy. In light of our country's current critical condition, the possibility of our imminent demise and subsequent disappearance from any end-time scenario does appear to be a most plausible probability. However, it is also possible that America does appear in Bible prophecy, but does so figuratively and under a different name or names. Take for example the book of Revelation's "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (17:5).
Revelation's predicted "Babylon the Great" is simply the end-time Gentile world power. If we are living in the last days, then, America alone fits this bill. According to Revelation, this end- time Gentile superpower will be smugly sitting with a false sense of invulnerability when sudden destruction befalls her (18:7-17). As the smoke of her destruction rises, the whole world is aghast at the vulnerability of this once perceived impregnable "great city" (18:18). Furthermore, all of this is predicted to take place "in one hour" (18:10, 17).
Who can keep from thinking about the events of 9/11 when reading the book of Revelation's description of the fall of this world's final Gentile superpower? The pieces of this prophecy and the events of that fateful day of infamy fit together perfectly. And who can deny that since that day, the day when nineteen young box-cutter wielding Muslim terrorists shattered America's pompous air of impregnability, our country has rapidly unraveled and swiftly descended into deeper and deeper debauchery. I don’t know about you, but on this sixteenth anniversary of 9/11, I can’t help but think that America has gone up in smoke, at least the America I once knew and loved.