March 10, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

I saw this quote last night on Fox News' Special Report. Bret Baier asked Vice President Mike Pence what he had to say about it. Of course, Pence said nothing about it, but, like all good politicians today, stuck to the script of his party's talking points. The quote is from Philip Klein, the managing editor of the Washington Examiner, and it says what I've been trying to say about the Republicans' proposed "ObamaCare Lite" legislation better than I've been saying it. Here's Klein's quote, "Liberals... won the central philosophical argument, and Republicans are reduced to fighting over the mechanics." 
Klein's profound point is incessantly missed by today's Republican Kool-Aid drinkers. Even when conservatives win elections, they still lose to liberals, since they lack the intestinal fortitude, out of fear of losing the next election, to undo what liberals have done. Therefore, even when liberals are not in power, they are still in control. Its not only their agenda that spineless Republicans follow, but also their rules that namby-pamby Republicans play by.
ObamaCare was brazenly shoved down our nation's throat by Democrats who could not have cared less about the consequences our country would suffer as a result of their ill-conceived legislation. The proof of this point is found in the fact that Democrats passed ObamaCare without even knowing what they were passing. In other words, they didn't even care about the mechanics of the legislation—its details and practicality. All they cared about was the central philosophical argument; that is, the government takeover of our healthcare and the creation of a new entitlement program, which would result in more government dependency and the ever-increasing control of our government over more American lives.
The only solution to this power grab for dictatorial powers over our lives by the federal government is for Republicans to repeal ObamaCare period, without replacing it. Otherwise, they are swallowing what Democrats forced down our throats and choking our country to death when it comes to our individual rights and liberties. Republicans may fight for different mechanics, which may help in some small way our government controlled healthcare to run a little smoother, but in the end, we'll still be under the iron fist of Big Brother when it comes to healthcare in America, which is exactly what Democrats have dictated.
If this was just about healthcare it would be bad enough, but it is about much more than just healthcare. It is about our government's takeover of our lives, under the ruse of benevolence. Big Brother keeps luring us into his arms with assurances that he can meet our every need and solve our every problem. Unbeknownst, however, to the average American today, the more we turn to government in dependence the less independent we will be. Looking to government allows government to lord it over us. Once we've become totally dependent upon government, government will be in total control of our lives. So you see, this is not just about healthcare or politics, it's about whether or not we remain a free republic or become a socialist state. It's about whether or not we remain a free people or the subjects of a dictatorial government. As long as one political party is determined to be our master, the other is unwilling to do anything but tinker with the mechanics of our subjugation to the opposing party, and the American people are content with this two-party system into serfdom, what hope is there for America?