March 8, 2017 @ 8:30 AM

Let's be clear, ObamaCare represented, as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said, a fundamental change in the relationship between government and its citizens. For the first time in American history, our government seized the power to mandate what we must buy. In its initial usurpation of such power it was healthcare insurance. What will it be next, and will our government, now that it has seized the power to force Americans to buy and sell, also exercise its usurped power by prohibiting Americans from buying and selling? Umm, seems like I read something about this in the Bible (Revelation 13:16-17). For God's sake folks, wake up!!!!
In additional to the omnimus prospects for our future raised by our government's usurpation of dictatorial powers over our buying and selling, there is also the new entitlement program created by ObamaCare in a nation already on the fast track to financial insolvency over its other unaffordable entitlement programs. Are you aware of the fact that annual tax revenue to our federal government is currently insufficient to pay for our existing entitlement programs and the interest on our national debt? Why do you think we keep borrowing trillions of dollars? It's because we can't pay for all of the things politicians keep promising voters in order to get themselves elected and reelected. 
Despite Trump euphoria and the chills running up and down the spines of so many of my fellow evangelicals, the GOP has just raised its ugly head again, and its every bit as much of a two-faced, double-tongued monster as before. The only real solution for America's Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is to pull the plug on it, to repeal it and to forget about a replacement for it! Only this will strip our government of its usurped dictatorial power over us and end this new entitlement program before it becomes the entitlement straw that breaks our country's financial back. Yet, Republicans, as always, lack the intestinal fortitude to do what really needs to be done. Instead of ridding our country of this ticking time bomb, they are trying to paint a smiley face on it and trick us all into believing that its lit fuse is a pretty sparkler.
Having shoved our nation into the bottomless pit of paying for the healthcare insurance of millions of Americans who can't afford it, regardless of whether their inability to do so is the result of consequences beyond their control or their own irresponsibility, Democrats created a new entitlement program that alleges all Americans without healthcare insurance are entitled to it. This explains why Democrats created ObamaCare with blinders on. They, by their own admission, didn't know what was in the Affordable Care Act before they passed it. Furthermore, they didn't care. All they cared about was growing their political base by swelling the rolls of insurance providers with government funded and formerly uninsured Americans who they had promised to perpetually entitle with government provided healthcare. 
The Republican's "American Health Care Act" or "TrumpCare," as some are dubbing it, is, as many are saying, nothing more than "ObamaCare Lite." It may have a little more curl on the pig's tail, but it is the same old pig. It does what ObamaCare did, insures millions with government provided money, allows adults to continue to be covered on their parent's healthcare insurance policies, coerces every hardworking American to purchase healthcare insurance by holding over their heads stiff financial penalties for not doing so, and allows for increased premiums on those paying for their own healthcare insurance, especially older Americans, so that insurance companies can make considerable profit and our government can line the pockets of some Americans by picking the pockets of others. Of course, politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are hoping to gain voters at the poles by assuring those benefiting at the expense of others that they are entitled to having their healthcare insurance paid for by the government. 
There are few politicians in Washington DC who have the courage to speak the truth to the American people. Furthermore, doing so in today's America, where the truth has become intolerable and people have bought into the lie that government, not God, is omnipotent, is a sure way to end one's political career. Go ahead and turn cartwheels over Trump's election to the White House if you want to, but the Republican's "Repeal and Replace" ObamaCare plan is proof positive that this nation is still sliding at breakneck speed down the slippery slope to ruin. Neither Democrats nor Republicans have the courage to stand up and try to stop it. All they ever do is grease the slope for the sake of political expediency. They may use different kinds of grease, but in the end, they both prove just as slippery.