March 14, 2017 @ 3:00 PM

I know, I know, I know, few folks today are willing to take the time to dig out the facts so that they can form for themselves informed opinions. Most want to travel the easy road and the one most traveled by simply parroting whatever today’s politically correct culture is propagating. It’s so much easier to let others do your thinking for you. Why go to the painstaking trouble of thinking for yourself when you’ve been persuaded that the truth is always proven by prevailing public opinion. Just go with the flow and swim with the stream and save yourself from the hardships and harassment of going against the popular current. Of course, if today’s political correctness and prevailing public opinion are wrong, we are being carried along in its current to our own destruction. As the Bible warns, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25).
Iowa Congressman, Steve King, has initiated a media firestorm with his recent tweet: “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” The tweet is being roundly condemned by Democrats and Republicans alike as xenophobic, Islamophobic, and racist. However, to his credit, Steve King has not melted under the unleashing of such a firestorm against him from all quarters, but has refused to recant his tweet. Instead, King has boldly responded to his critics and condemners by publicly stating: “I meant exactly what I said, as is always the case.” He went on to defend his tweet by explaining it has nothing to do with nationalities, religion, or race, but only with culture. His point is simple; we cannot restore our American culture, which has been lost to multiculturalism, with people and their children, coming from other cultures, who are determined not to assimilate into our culture but to transform it into theirs. 
King’s meaning behind his controversial tweet can be clearly seen in a former tweet. Shortly before the presidential election of 2016, King tweeted the following: “Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.” Now, here’s where American ignorance, especially ignorance of American history, comes in. There was a time in this country when everyone understood that our culture, which was believed to be superior to all others, must be protected from foreign influence, lest it be sabotaged. We were the great melting pot, which meant all immigrants coming into our country, regardless of their nationality, religion, and race, were expected and required to assimilate into our culture and become American.
Our nation’s former immigration laws are proof of this past and universally accepted immigration policy. In the past, the number of immigrants annually coming to our shores or crossing our borders were limited and controlled by our federal government, lest we jeopardize not only our culture, but also our nation’s economy and security. Furthermore, to safeguard our country’s culture, Congress passed the "National Origins Act" of 1925. This legislation mandated that immigrant groups be allowed into the country according to the percentage of the general U.S. population they represented. In other words, if Norwegians only made up 1% of the U.S. population, then the percentage of annual immigrants made up by Norwegians could never exceed 1%.
Today, thanks to the myth of multiculturalism, any attempt to safeguard American culture by limiting the annual influx of other nationalities into our country is strictly condemned as racism. Moreover, what was once taken for granted in the immigration debate; namely, the expectation of all immigrants to assimilate themselves into our culture, is now resoundingly renounced as sheer bigotry. Thus, immigrants are no longer expected to assimilate themselves into our culture, but our country is expected to prove its tolerance by changing its culture to accommodate each immigrant. As a result of this politically correct nonsense, America has been transformed from a "melting pot"—a land in which different nationalities are dissolved into a united people forming a single nation—to a "salad bowl"—a land in which different nationalities are tossed together to vie for themselves against one another.
Speaking on the subject of immigration, President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "America is not a polyglot boarding house." Although Roosevelt insisted that any immigrant coming here "in good faith" to become an American and to be assimilated into our culture should be welcomed and "treated on an exact equality with everyone else," he went on to add: "But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
It was in the mid-1960s that everything began to change in our country’s immigration laws. Whereas the number of immigrants fluctuated from time to time, America saw an average of about 250,000 immigrants a year up until 1965. Then, in 1965, Congress’ passed the "Immigration Reform Act." This watershed piece of legislation resulted in a couple of earthshaking changes to American immigration.
First, the "Immigration Reform Act" quadrupled the number of immigrants coming to our shores and crossing our borders. This, despite the assurance of the late Senator, Ted Kennedy, one of the bill’s authors, that the level of immigration would remain substantially the same. The second thing that this critical piece of legislation accomplished was to forever change the face of American immigration. Since the passage of the "Immigration Reform Act" in 1965, 85% of all U.S. immigrants come from Third World countries and more than 50% come from Spanish-speaking countries. Again, the late Senator Ted Kennedy, who predicted that the legislation would not upset the ethnic mix of our country, was proven as bad a prophet as he was a senator.
When you couple with these changes in our country’s immigration laws the failure of our own government to enforce our immigration laws, you end up with our current immigration crisis, especially our illegal immigration crisis. The number of illegal immigrants coming into our country today far exceeds the number of legal immigrants. With our immigration laws going unenforced and with illegal immigrants being given the same treatment and benefits as legal immigrants, illegal immigration has become the preferential way by which foreigners enter our land.
Instead of finding Congressman King’s recent quote appalling, like spineless politicians on both sides of the political aisle and all parroters of today’s political correctness, we ought to applaud it. Unlike the vast majority of Americans today, King understands what the ancient Prophet Nahum once warned his nation about. According to Nahum, his country would be devoured by fire if it opened the “gates” of its borders “wide open” to their “enemies” (Nahum 3:13).