January 25, 2017 @ 9:00 AM

I received an article in my email today entitled: "Back-And-Forth Responses To Women’s March All Miss The Point." Unfortunately, the author of the article missed the point. I've received all kinds of responses to this picture we included in our last Time Capsule from Saturday's Women's March. Unfortunately, I'm afraid most of those who have responded have missed the point as well. This is not about “good people” who have differing opinions on social issues or different political ideologies. The radical feminist movement and its members, as well as a myriad of other movements and their members in modern-day America, are absolutely possessed by the spirit of antichrist.


In 1 John 4:1-3, the Apostle John speaks of the spirit of antichrist that was already in the world in his day. According to John, this spirit will continue to grow until it finally crest and breaks over the whole planet at the end of time. You and I are facing this biblically predicted end-time tsunami, which is now flooding our world with hostility toward Christ. As this picture from Saturday’s Women’s March surely shows, our world’s hatred of Christ and all things Christian is quickly escalating into something uncontrollable and unconscionable. 


Our day, as the book of Revelation clearly predicts about the last days, is a day in which fallen men refuse to repent of their sins against God. Instead, as Revelation predicts, unrepentant sinners are now brazenly blaspheming the name of God (Revelation 16:9, 11). For Christians to continue waving olive branches at blasphemers in hopes of soft-soaping them into the arms of our Savior, who they clearly despise and disdain, is tantamount to Jews trying to win over the Third Reich by offering to sell natural gas to Nazi concentration camps at bargain prices. Furthermore, for us to believe that the election of Donald Trump has somehow turned him into an exorcist who has delivered our society from the spirit of antichrist is tantamount to believing that the seven sons of Sceva were all the Ephesians needed to rid their city of demonic possession (Acts 19:11-16).


Now, for all of you extremely sensitive spiritual milksops, I don’t want you misinterpreting what I’m saying as any hatred on my part toward those who hate my Lord. I don’t hate them; I feel sorry for them. They are one heartbeat away from a Christless grave and a Christless eternity. I fear for their immortal souls. Yet, I understand that such hardcore antichrists will never be persuaded to turn from their sin with a broken heart to Jesus Christ with all of their heart by the power of some Christian’s soft-peddled persuasion. Instead, their only hope is to be rocked from their spiritual obstinance by someone who cares enough for their soul to risk suffering their ire by courageously proclaiming to them the truth of their impending destruction at the hand of divine retribution. Are you caring and courageous enough to do so?