January 23, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Here's all you need to know about the fib of women's lib. It's all about their hatred of Christ. This picture from Saturday's "Women's March" in Washington DC is worth a thousand words. It shows the loathsomeness of liberals and the profaneness of America's present-day progressives. Don't kid yourselves, beneath their pretend bleeding hearts and championed "tolerance" are hearts as black as night and as intolerant of Christ as any this fallen world has ever known. Truly, they will stop at nothing and stoop to anything, no matter how foul or foolish, to rid our land of the Christian Faith.
I find it most revealing that as soon as the pageantry of the Inauguration ended on Friday and all the flags and banners came down, the underbelly of America swiftly showed back up in our nation's capital the very next day. What's really changed in America and why should any of us believe that God's wrath has been the least bit abated or His imminent judgment the least bit deferred by the election of Donald Trump as our president?