January 17, 2017 @ 6:00 AM

Democrats passed Obamacare before reading what was in the legislation. The legislation's chief architect later boasted that Democrats knew they could get away with their pig in a poke healthcare law because of the stupidity of the American people. Republicans are now vowing to repeal and replace Obamacare before they have a replacement. Why is their shot in the dark better than the Democrats' shot in the dark? Furthermore, doesn't this prove that Republicans are counting on our stupidity just as much as the Democrats did? One thing we do know, Republicans are promising to retain in their replacement of Obamacare all the things that have made Obamacare untenable; such as, government paid coverage for all the uninsured, mandates and fines, and even the slacker mandate—coverage of dependent children on their parent's policy until they are twenty-six years old. According to Mr. Trump, his ultimate goal for our healthcare is universal coverage; that is, socialized medicine, which is something he has always advocated. Yesterday, our president-elect tweeted that America doesn't want a conservative, but a great dealmaker. If you ask me, this is exactly how our country got in the mess it is in today, by abandoning conservative principles in order to make a bunch of pig in a poke political deals. Instead of hearing a hearty rendition of "Make America Great Again," like most of my fellow evangelicals, I'm hearing the same old broken record. It might be sung from the other side of the political aisle, but it is the same old sad song.