May 24, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

It doesn’t take a great deal of discernment, only a little bit of common sense to see through Donald Trump like a pane of glass. Yet, most Americans, as well as most modern-day evangelicals, are seriously lacking in both spiritual discernment and common sense. This fact is incontrovertibly proven by how they are taken with, as well as being taken by the Donald.


As we previously posted, no sooner did Donald Trump become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee than he began back pedaling on some of his campaign promises. He reneged on his promise to self-fund his campaign, which he assured us would prohibit him from being beholden to contributors once elected to office. In addition, he reneged on his proposed tax plan, as well as his stated opposition to a minimum wage hike. 


It has now been revealed that the $43 million Trump has spent on his own campaign has been filed with the Federal Election Commission as a loan, not as a gift or donation. This means Trump can be reimbursed for every penny by campaign contributions from others, such as the $100 million contribution reportedly pledged to the Trump campaign by casino magnate Sheldon G. Adelson.


As everyone knows, Trump’s signature campaign issue has been “the wall” he promises to build along the Mexican border. However, Trump supporter and surrogate, Chris Collins, a Republican congressman from New York, let it slip last week that Trump’s promised wall is not a literal wall, but a “virtual wall.” Furthermore, according to Collins, Trump’s promised deportation of illegal immigrants should not be understood as literal deportations, but as “rhetorical deportations.” 


When Donald Trump was asked about Collins’ surprising comments by Brett Baier of Fox News, Trump did some serious back pedaling from the main thing he has been peddling during his presidential campaign. Rather than boldly guaranteeing the construction of his promised literal high wall, as he has been doing throughout the primaries, Trump admitted to Baier that “everything” will “be up” to change if he is elected president. According to Trump, he is “going to negotiate with a lot of people,” with “lots of congressmen and lots of senators.” As a result, Trump told Bair that “certain things will be changed.” I assume this means that his promised material wall can be changed into a negotiated make-believe one, which will change his signature campaign promise into nothing more than political poppycock.


When you couple with all his back pedaling on campaign promises Trump’s recent back-lighting of his feigned beliefs, a dark picture begins to emerge of the duplicitous Donald to all discerning souls, of which there is a serious shortage in today’s America. For instance, do you remember Trump’s initial response to the LGBT community’s demand that guys believing they are gals be allowed to use the girl’s room in public places? Trump vowed that he had no problem with gender confused males invading women’s privacy in public restrooms. Of course, he has since back pedaled on his initial statement, after discovering it was being flushed down the toilet of public opinion.


The well worn argument being paraded by those on the Trump bandwagon today is the same old argument we’ve heard for years, ad nauseam. It is that all patriotic Americans must cast their ballots for Trump, because he, when compared to Hillary Clinton, represents the lesser evil. Of course, I’ve argued for years that the fact we’re no longer offered any righteous alternatives, but only choices between evils, proves our country is both reprobate and beyond redemption. How does our country end up right with God when all it has to choose from is wrong choices? Even if it chooses the perceived better wrong, it still doesn’t make wrong right or America right with God.


With the death of Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia, the “Trumpbots” are revving up the “lesser evil argument” in this year’s presidential election. According to them, we must do everything we can to make sure that the Donald nominates Scalia’s replacement rather than Hillary, since the Supreme Court now hangs in the balance between conservative constitutionalists and progressive deconstructionists. While I agree that a Hillary Clinton nominee to replace Justice Scalia would definitely accelerate our country’s inevitable demise, I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone can be assured that Trump will curb any future judicial despotism by “the Supremes” by replacing Scalia with a strict constitutionalist. 


To begin with, Democratic senators have proven over the years their willingness to resort to a scorched earth policy to bork any conservative nominee to the Supreme Court. In addition, Republican senators have proven over the years their lack of a backbone in every Supreme Court confirmation battle. When you add to all of this Trump’s previous comment about his sister and his recently released lists of possible Supreme Court nominees, you can’t help but conclude that any assurance of a more conservative Supreme Court under a President Trump is at best wishful thinking and at worst downright delusional. 


Trump’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, is a Federal Judge who Trump has said would make a “phenomenal” Supreme Court Justice. She is also the judge who wrote the decision that struck down New Jersey’s ban on the barbaric practice of partial birth abortion. According to Judge Barry, the United States Constitution provides protection to the gruesome practice of partial-birth abortion. Furthermore, she argued that the fact a baby is partially delivered when it is aborted is of no consequence, since it makes no difference where a fetus is when it expires. Sound to you like someone who would make a “phenomenal” Supreme Court Justice?


In his recently released list of people he may possibly nominate to the Supreme Court, Trump includes a judge, Diane Sykes, who blocked efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, a diabolical organization that markets for profit the body parts of aborted babies. Of course, Trump himself is against defunding Planned Parenthood of taxpayer dollars, having praised the organization for all of the “good” things it does “for millions of women.”


Another name appearing on Trump’s list of possible Supreme Court nominees is that of Bill Pryor. Pryor is the man who prosecuted the case against Alabama’s Chief Justice Roy Moore over his refusal to remove a Ten Commandments monument from Alabama’s Supreme Court building. During Moore’s trail, Pryor accused the Chief Justice of undermining “the integrity, independence, and impartiality of the judiciary” by “flagrantly” disobeying a lower court judge’s order to discontinue his public acknowledgements of God. How secure would our right to freedom of religion be if Bill Pryor should ever don the black robe of a Supreme Court Justice? 


You, like the vast majority of Americans today, may insists upon shutting your eyes to the truth about Donald Trump, but the truth is, Trump is a pig in a poke presidential candidate. You have no idea what this political "Joe Isuzu" will do if elected president. In the end, he may prove to be far more evil than Hillary Clinton could have ever been. You just known. By voting for Trump, you’re just rolling the dice. And if you ask me, rolling the dice between these two presidential candidates is bound to come up snake eyes for America. These dice loaded, we can’t win, and this presidential election proves it.