May 18, 2016 @ 2:30 PM

There are many historical figures who casts long dark shadows over today’s world. One of them is undoubtedly John Dewey, the atheistic humanist who spearheaded the transformation of our public schools into indoctrination centers. Dewey advocated the change of school curriculum from reading, writing and arithmetic to societal transforming propaganda. He saw the purpose of public education as the proselytizing of children from their parent’s values and convictions to a new social consciousness, one which he believed would ultimately transform our society into a socialist utopia. 
We are reaping today the wild oats sowed by John Dewey. Rather than a socialist utopia, however, our society is “slouching towards Gomorrah,” as Judge Robert Bork put it in his book by that title in 1996. The only difference today, in 2016, from 1996 is that we’re no longer slouching towards Gomorrah, but streaking towards it. As Erick Erickson pointed out in a recent article, J. Gresham Machen, a famous Presbyterian theologian, predicted that not “even the remnants of liberty can subsist” once children are taken out from under parental influence in their formative years to be placed under the control of state propagandists. Truly, as Machen predicted, the remnants of our liberty are evaporating before our very eyes in today’s America, thanks to the brainwashing of our posterity by public education.
Waking up too late from its long stupor, much of the American populace is now beginning to protest the already accomplished Dewey inspired coup d’état. Unaware that their country, not to mention their children, have been successfully taken over, they are advocating mutiny in order to turn around our ship of state from the looming rocky crags. Little do they know, however, that any chance of us changing course has been rendered impossible by the contrary winds and tides whipped up in our younger generation over the past several decades by socialist utopians. Far from rescuing our country from its inevitable demise, the belated arousal of America’s sleepwalkers is only accelerating it by producing mobocracy, something feared by our Founding Fathers as the potential downfall of our nation.
The Bible clearly teaches that “the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God” (James 1:20). Furthermore, it predicts that wrath will be the fuel that ignites the end-time world in Satanic furor when the devil, “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2), is cast down to the earth from the atmospheric heavens (Revelation 12:7-12). I don’t know how much you realize it, but every malevolent and malignant movement in the world today, from militant Islam to the malicious LGBT community, is being fueled by anger. In addition, the surprising and phenomenal success of Donald Trump’s candidacy for the presidency is attributable, more than to anything else, to the anger of the American electorate. Waking up to the fact that their country has been highjacked by political elites and the brainwashing educators of their children, Trump supporters are ticked off and flipping their wigs for the toupee donning Donald. 
The mad masses are mustering behind Donald Trump to form a modern-day mobocracy. It was the ancient Greek Philosopher Plato who warned that the worst form of tyranny was the tyranny of the majority. History shows that the most powerful dictators of all time were the Roman Caesars. What made the Caesars so powerful was that they were elected and consequently considered to be the tribunes of the people. Therefore, Caesar’s iron fist was concealed by the soft glove he wore as the perceived champion of the state and its subjects. To oppose the Caesar was to oppose the Roman Empire and every Roman. Obviously, under such cover any evil could be committed with absolute immunity. No one could oppose Caesar, regardless of what he did, without being condemned for being an enemy of their own country and countrymen.
In Daniel chapter seven, the prophet sees four beast come up out of the sea. The four beasts represent history’s four great Gentile world powers—Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece and Rome. The fourth beast, Rome, has ten horns, which represent Gentile powers that will emerge in our world after the fall of the Roman Empire. These powers are obviously representative of Western European nations. Then, the prophet sees a little horn come up out of the ten horns. This little horn was unknown to the world of Daniel’s day, being nonexistent at the time. Apart from divine inspiration, it could not have been foreseen by anyone. Yet, Daniel watches as it grows to become a world power, and not just a world power, but the greatest superpower in the history of the world. All of this is made possible, as Daniel observes, by the little horn’s initial uprooting of three of the ten horns; that is, by its uprooting of three Western European nations.
As we look back through history with 20/20 hindsight for a nation that became a nation by uprooting three Western European powers, we cannot help but be struck by the fact that America became an independent nation by uprooting its three colonizing powers—England, France and Spain. Furthermore, we are also forced to admit that we have proceeded from those fledgling days of the founding of our nation to become the greatest superpower in the history of the world. Although most Americans will be aghast at it and most evangelicals recoil at the mere suggestion of it, America is Daniel’s little horn, the world’s end-time superpower. Additional proof of my seemingly preposterous proposition is found in the undeniable fact that we are beginning to do what Daniel predicted would be done by the world’s end-time superpower; namely, make war on the saints. All over today’s politically correct America our Christian convictions are being suppressed and our Christian confession is being silenced.
In the Book of Revelation, we are told that the world’s end-time dictator, symbolized by the beast with seven heads and ten horns, is the world’s eighth and final Caesar (Revelation 17:10-11). There were only seven Roman Caesars. At the time John wrote Revelation, “five” had “fallen,” “one” was—Nero Caesar—and “one” was to “come,” but he would only “continue a short space.” Interestingly, Nero’s successor, Galba, was assassinated by the Pretorian Guard only six months into his reign. Afterward, there were Roman Emperors, but no more Roman Caesars. Yet, John is told that there will be an eighth and final Caesar at the end of time, an elected tribune of the people who will be able to perpetrate unimaginable evil against the saints of God under the guise of being both the champion of the world’s final and foremost superpower, as well as its worldwide subjects.
I’ve long advocated, much to the chagrin of America’s evangelicals, that the final Caesar, the beast of the Book of Revelation, will be an American president. He will reside over the little horn, America, the world’s end-time superpower. Some have asked me over the last eight years if I believed Barack Obama could be the predicted beast of the Book of Revelation. My answer has been a consistent “No!” While he has definitely perpetrated untold evil upon our nation and caused our country irreparable damage, he is, in my opinion, too stupid and politically tone-deaf to foot the bill as the biblically predicted final Caesar who the whole world will wonder after. 
Barack Obama’s natural knack is to infuriate rather than ingratiate. Being unskilled at the art of manipulation and diplomacy, President Obama has taken the soft glove off his iron fist and used it to ram down the throats of others his radical agenda. As a result, he has alienated many of our allies and angered the American electorate, so much so that he, more than anyone else, is responsible for the creation of the Donald Trump phenomenon. For the most part, Trump supporters are supporting Trump to strike back at Obama, a tinpot dictator, and his enablers, a do-nothing Congress, which is resided over by yellow-bellied Republicans.
Now, unlike Barack Obama, Donald Trump is a masterful manipulator. He is someone who has written a bestselling book on the art of dealmaking. He can dictate while dealmaking and manipulate the masses into believing that he is looking out for them while laying down the law to them. He can even deceive the very elect, at least today’s evangelicals, as is proven by his trouncing of Ted Cruz, a proven evangelical Christian, in this year’s presidential primaries held in the deep South, our nation’s evangelical stronghold. 
As Erick Erickson observed in his recent article, Donald Trump, like the last of the Roman Emperors, has an uncanny ability “to control the masses with promises of bread and circuses.” If Trump should prove triumphant in his race for the White House, this preacher’s antennas will definitely go up in an effort to detect the possibility that the final Caesar has appeared on the scene in these perilous times of the last days. I’m not predicting a Trump presidency with an accompanying “Hail Caesar” from a world caught up in the wonderment of it all, but I have to admit that Donald Trump is a far better candidate to foot the bill for the final Caesar than the politically tone-deaf, tinpot dictator that has been insolently infuriating everyone for the last eight years.