May 28, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

In a recent interview with The Hill, Dr. Ben Carson, who has sold his soul for a promised position in a Trump Administration, admitted that he had never seen Donald Trump pray. He said, however, that he had “eyewitnesses who have.” He went on to say that Trump “is starting to recognize that their is a greater power.” Wow, what a paragon of the Christian faith Donald Trump is turning out to be. 


How can a person possibly be a Christian who needs eyewitnesses to prove he prays? How can a person possibly be a Christian—someone who confesses the Lord Jesus Christ—who is just “starting to recognize that their is a greater power”? How can a person possibly be a Christian who publicly admits that he has never asked God for forgiveness, when confession and repentance of sin are prerequisites to becoming a Christian?


If Donald Trump’s Christian testimony is true, then, the “word of [our] testimony,” which is the Word of God, is not (Revelation 12:11). You either have to accept the sound biblical doctrines of the historic and orthodox Christian faith, which leave Donald Trump outside the fold of the Good Shepherd, or Trump’s unbiblical and unorthodox Christian testimony, which means, at least in your mind, that the testimony of this wolf in sheep’s clothing trumps biblical truth.


As Donald Trump proves, many modern-day evangelicals, just like the Seventh Day Adventist, Dr. Ben Carson, are opting to believe what they want to believe about Donald Trump. It makes no difference to them that in order to do so they have to surrender the sound doctrines of Scripture. They simply prefer, as the Apostle Paul predicted would occur in the perilous times of the last days (2 Timothy 4:3), having their “ears tickled,” believing what they want to believe, to believing “sound doctrine,” something that is becoming increasingly intolerable to them.