October 8, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

I can't help but feel sorry this morning for my fellow evangelicals who have jumped on the Trump bandwagon only to find themselves now riding on a trash truck. There is no way they can escape stinking over it and being soiled by it. When will we ever learn to stop staining our Christian confession in the eyes of the world by dragging it through the grubby and grimy gutter of modern-day politics? 
We all knew, though few of us were willing to admit it, that Donald Trump's Christian confession was fallacious and his life fruitless when it came to the confirming fruit of a genuine Christian confession, such as the fruits of repentance, righteousness, and the Spirit. Granted, the Christian confession of his opponent for the presidency is no less fallacious and her life no less void of the confirming spiritual fruit of a genuine Christian confession than Trump’s. Still, evangelicals aren't associating themselves and their Christian confession with Hillary Clinton by lining up to vote for her, but are, whether they intend to or not, associating themselves and their Christian confession with Trump by lining up to vote for him. 
The Bible teaches us that things like sexual immorality should not even be mentioned among God’s saints, much less practiced by us (Ephesians 5:3). Well, the contemporary church in America this morning has awakened, thanks to evangelicals support of Donald Trump for the presidency, to find itself in bed with a man who gloats in private over his groping of women. His profanity laced crowing over his licentiousness is most loathsome. Yet, evangelicals, because of their obsession to cast a ballot in opposition to Hillary Clinton’s occupation of the Oval Office, will stoop low enough to grope themselves for a way to justify their voting for a profanity spewing braggadocios groper of women to be their president. 
I know Trump supporters, as well as many evangelicals, will attempt to redirect public attention from Trump’s lewd comments about groping women to WikiLeaks releasing of emails containing excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s private and paid speeches to Wall Street Bankers. However, these emails only reveal what should already be common knowledge to any American with sense enough to get in out of the rain; namely, that Hillary Clinton, like practically all present-day politicians, says one thing in private to her financiers and another thing in public to her voters. Folks, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, our nation’s leaders lie like yellow dogs. Furthermore, today’s politicians do so with immunity, knowing they can count on the population’s stupidity. We’ll keep foolishly going to the polls to vote for fibbers and fondlers brainlessly believing we’re going to make America great again by doing so. God have mercy on this ignorant and iniquitous nation!