October 12, 2016 @ 8:30 AM

In my mind, Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency under the banner "Stronger Together" is equivalent to Adolph Hitler donning a yamaka to become the German Fuhrer. There may have never been a greater lie perpetrated by a presidential candidate upon the American populace in the history of politics. Of course, when it comes to lying, nobody does it like Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton could be the poster child for disingenuousness. Her photo ought to be beside the definition of dishonesty in Webster's Dictionary. Although all modern-day politicians lie, none have mastered the art like Hillary, the queen of deception. She is so good at it that she has put her own husband, Slick Willy, to shame. Furthermore, it is so ingrained in her that her own campaign manager has complained that no one can zip her lying lips.
The success of Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency, as well as the success of her political party at the polls, is dependent upon them being divisive. For decades, Democrats' modus operandi has been dividing the American people. Their only hope of winning elections is dividing race against race, rich against poor, business owners and management against labor, the secular against the religious, homosexuals against heterosexuals, radical feminists against traditional families, welfare recipients against hard working taxpayers, and now, much to the demise of our cities and towns, communities against law enforcement. Believe me, the last thing lying Hillary really wants is America made stronger by all of us coming together, since it would ruin her hopes for the White House and result in her political party becoming absolutely anemic.
In the Vice Presidential Debate, Hillary's running mate, Tim Kaine, quoted a verse from the Bible in order to dismiss Donald Trump's apologizes for disparaging remarks he has made against others as disingenuous. In the verse, Matthew 12:34, Jesus says, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." According to Kaine, these words of Jesus not only prove that Trump's disparaging remarks about others came from his heart, but also that Trump's apology over them is insincere.
Interestingly, Mr. Kaine hasn't applied the same Bible verse to his own running mate, Hillary Clinton, who called millions of Americans supporting her opponent in this year's presidential election an irredeemable basket full of deplorables. Now, Mrs. Clinton quickly apologized for her disparaging remarks about millions of Americans. In addition, Mr. Kaine immediately accepted her apology without questioning her sincerity or attributing her comments to what is actually in her heart. This absolutely infuriates me, slimy politicians picking up the Bible to bludgeon a political opponent over some spec in their eye, while at the same time being blind to the Bible's condemnation of them for the two-by-four in their own eye.
Although I'm no fan of Donald Trump, he did speak some truth in the last presidential debate. He said that "Hillary has hate in her heart" and that she is actually "full of hate." I've been saying for a long time that the real simmering hatred of America presently imperiling our nation's future survival is not found in the hearts of Muslim terrorists, but in the hearts of liberal Democrats, like Hillary Clinton. If Clinton is elected to the White House, which appears most likely, thanks to Republican primary voters choosing a seriously flawed egomaniac as their presidential nominee, our country will erupt in civil unrest. Ironically, when it does, Hillary Clinton, who has been pitting Americans against Americans for years, will be unable to control what she and her political party have incited. In the end, she'll be devoured by the monster of her own creation.