October 4, 2016 @ 9:00 AM

For you folks out there who still wonder why I have disdain for modern-day politicians on both sides of the political aisle, here's an article that ought to prove why my contempt for them is warranted and your confidence in them is wooden-headed. Planned Parenthood is actually arguing that killing babies is good for the economy. Now, I know the one thing you can't do in contemporary America is compare anything to Nazi Germany. The moment you do, regardless of whether or not such a comparison is on the mark, you'll be immediately condemned for being off your rocker. Yet, despite the risk of being rocked with "off my rocker" sticks and stones, I see Planned Parenthood as contemporary America's "Feminazis." 
Remember, the Holocaust was made possible by the denial of personhood to its helpless victims. In 1935, Germany’s Nuremburg Laws were passed, laws which stripped all Jewish people of their rights. In the following year, 1936, the German Supreme Court ruled that Jews were not to be legally recognized as persons. Instead, Jewish people were viewed by the German government as “sub-humans” or, as Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, parasites in the body of other peoples. As a result, killing Jews was justified by the Nazis for the betterment of Germany.
The American “Holocaust,” abortion on demand, which has now resulted in the staining of our nation’s hands with the blood of almost 60 million babies, was made possible, like the German Holocaust, by the denial of personhood to its helpless victims. In what is undoubtedly its most infamous decision ever, its 1973 Roe v. Wade Decision, the United States Supreme Court justified and made possible the unspeakable inhumanity of abortion on demand by dehumanizing the unborn child. Writing for the majority opinion, Justice Harry Blackmun decreed: “The word ‛person’ as used in the 14th amendment [the amendment that forbids depriving any person of their right to life, liberty and property] does not include the unborn. The unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense.” Therefore, Blackmun concluded, “a fetus is not a person but only potential [human] life.” 
Like the Nazis, who justified their killing of Jews for the betterment of their country, Planned Parenthood, America’s Feminazis, are now justifying the killing of babies for the betterment of our country, in particularly our country’s economy. The only thing missing is a Swastika on Planned Parenthood’s logo and brown shirts with arm bands on their personnel. Yet, in spite of such deplorable evil, not to mention recent revelations of how this diabolical organization is also marketing the body parts of murdered babies for profit, our politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, are not only refusing to prosecute Planned Parenthood, but continuing to pick our taxpayer pockets to fund these fiendish Feminazis.
When it comes to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, one of them, Mrs. Clinton, wants to be the Feminazis’ Fuhrer. The other, Mr. Trump, praises Planned Parenthood for all “the wonderful things they do.” I once asked a German veteran of World II, why the German people followed a madman like Adolph Hitler. I’ll never forget his answer. He said, “When you’re hungry and someone feeds you or sick and someone gives you medicine, you’ll follow that person anywhere." In other words, he fought for the Third Reich in World War II because of “all the wonderful things it did.”