September 1, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

It appears to me that the folks in charge on Rocky Top have rocks in their heads. Instead of using pronouns like she, her, hers and he, him, his in reference to people, the University of Tennessee's Office for Diversity and Inclusion is asking all UT instructors to teach incoming students to use gender-neutral pronouns such as "xe," "xym" and "xyr." According to UT's diversity office staff, not everyone in today's society identifies on a strict male-or-female basis, many identify themselves with a gender that's not strictly male or female. Well, there you have it, a supposed higher school of learning teaching incoming students, contrary to incontrovertible biological facts, that humans are not just male and female, but some are he-shes and others she-hes. According to the University of Tennessee, God hasn't created us just male and female, like the Bible says, but He has also created some of us in-betweens.  
What I'd like to ask the University of Tennessee's Office for Diversity and Inclusion is why they don't feel it is discriminating to refer to someone like me, who is unconfused over my gender, in gender-neutral terms. I'm personally uncomfortable, not to mention offended, at being referred to in a gender-neutral term, since I've got no questions about my gender. I don't want to be referred to as "xe" or "xym," but as he or him. Yet, it doesn't matter if I'm offended or made to fell uncomfortable, all that matters today is that someone like Mandy Pitts is made to feel accepted in "xyr" unabashed abnormality. Mandy, attended a speech on diversity near UT's Pride Center with a five-o'clock shadow visible on "xyr" cheeks, as well as a button-festooned hat on "xyr" head and donning a stretchy bright pink shirt with matching stockings poking from under "xyr" skirt. Still, Mandy's blatant bizarreness is to be treated as perfectly normal and my normality is to be negated and renamed for the sake of Mandy's feelings.
The few Mandys of our world have all of the rest of us over a barrel in these politically correct times. All normality and morality is being sunk today beneath the morass of abnormality and amorality. Whether it is legislation passed by Capital Hill politicians, litigation decided by judicial despots or lessons taught by college professors, everyone is being instructed to spurn facts and sacrifice their faith in order to spare the feelings of a few fruit loops. 
According to Ricky Hall, UT's vice chancellor for diversity, replacing male and female pronouns with gender-neutral pronouns is just a way "to be respectful." While it may be respectful to Mandy, it's horribly disrespectful to the rest of us, who are being instructed to turn our world upside down in order to see Mandy right-side up. However, to disrespect the majority and to be irreverent toward God is now considered an acceptable price to pay for pandering to a Mandy.