September 2, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

 Yesterday, I wrote, much to this ole Tennessean's chagrin, how the politically correct insanity of our times has even scaled the slopes of Rocky Top. However, when it comes to that looney bin on the Potomac, which is better known as Washington DC, I've known for years that that asylum is being run by its politically correct inmates. There is currently no better evidence of it than our president's absolute determination to singlehandedly aid the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism in acquiring nuclear weapons. It's the modern-day equivalent to FDR aiding Hitler to acquire gas for concentration camps like Auschwitz during World War II.

To begin to understand the sheer idiocy of what Barack Obama is perpetrating one must first understand that the Iranians are Shiite Muslims, who have long awaited the coming of the “12th Imam”; that is, the “Mahdi” or Muslim Messiah. They believe that when he comes he will lead Muslims to conquer the world. Furthermore, they believe that the time of his coming is now imminent, only awaiting the removal of the final obstacles to his coming, the biggest of which is the nation of Israel. This explains why the Iranians have publicly vowed to “wipe Israel off of the map” as soon as they get their hands on a nuclear weapon.

Contrary to the insistence of crazy Capital Hill politicians, religion (Islam) has everything to do with most modern-day terrorism, as well as the Iranian regime's easily detected fingerprints on terrorist attacks all over our world. The mad mullahs of Iran not only believe that it is their religious duty to carryout terrorist attacks against "infidels," but to also launch a nuclear attack against Israel. To them, launching a nuclear attack is just as much a religious duty as praying or reading the Koran.

When asked by a reporter whether or not he understood that an Iranian nuclear attack against Israel would precipitate an Israeli counter nuclear attack against Iran, Iran's former president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or as I prefer to call him, "Mahmoud I'm a nut job," let the cat out of the bag. He answered: "What do we care? They [Israelis] will be in hell and we [Iranians] will be in paradise."

Don't forget, it was under the Ayatollah Khomeini, or as I prefer to call him, "Ayatollah Khomaniac," that Iran introduced to the world the Muslim suicide bomber. In the eyes of the mad mullahs of Iran, a nuclear exchange with Israel is the ultimate suicide bombing, not to mention the one sure way of assuring themselves of Allah’s eternal favor. According to the Prophet Mohammed, the Muslim's only assurance of paradise, where he will enjoy endless sex with his own personal stash of virgins, is to die as a jihad martyr.

In addition to the above, their belief that a nuclear attack on Israel is their religious duty, as well as the ultimate suicide bombing, assuring them of a place in paradise's martyr's house, the Iranians also believe that they are religiously obligated to lie and deceive others in order to further the cause of jihad. This practice of lying and deceiving others in order to get the upper hand on them is known among Muslims as “taqiyya” or “kitman” and was instigated and sanctioned by none other than the founder of Islam himself, the Prophet Mohammed.

According to the Hadith, Mohammed taught his followers that “war is deceit.” He even bragged about his use of deception in the slaughter of his enemies. In the Koran, Mohammed praises his god (Allah) as the greatest of all deceivers. In addition to teaching that Allah is the greatest of all deceivers, the Koran also teaches that lying is virtuous and the religious duty of all who “strive in the way of Allah.”

Now, it should be obvious to anyone at this point that Iran's promise to stop their mad dash toward acquiring nuclear weapons cannot be believed by any sane person. To take the Iranians at their word, even under the terms of a seemingly ironclad treaty, would require the height of naiveté. However, hold your nose, for we're about to dive even deeper into this diplomatic cesspool of the preposterous.

Our president has proven himself as mad as a hatter by not only negotiating a treaty with the mad mullahs of Iran, but by doing so under terms that are not only incomprehensible, but even inconceivable. First, under Obama's treaty with the mad mullahs, only some Iranian nuclear sites will be inspected. Others will be out of bounds to inspectors. Second, no surprise inspections are allowed. A twenty-four hour notice must be given before any inspection of an inspectable site is conducted. Third, and get this, the inspectors of Iranian nuclear sites will be the Iranians themselves. That's right, the Iranians will be trusted to tell on themselves for breaking their word or failing to keep their promises. Finally, and most absurd of all, the expense for the Iranians' inspections of themselves will be paid for by the American taxpayer. Yelp, you and I will actually be paying the Iranians to inspect their own nuclear sites and "honestly" report to us their findings.

I've never been in the Oval Office, neither do I ever expect to receive an invitation to visit. I have seen pictures of it, however. From the pictures I've seen I can't help but notice something missing from the decor. It really needs padding on the walls, because its current resident needs to be in a padded cell, not behind the desk of the Chief Executive of the United States of America.

Click here to order Don Walton's book: THE TRUTH ABOUT ISALM