August 28, 2015 @ 7:30 AM

As everyone knows, I'm no fan of either politically party. I've long said a pox on both their houses. Democrats are godless, Republicans are gutless, and I have no use for either of them. While the American people are much to blame for putting up with the corruption of present-day politics and settling each election cycle for a choice between evils, it is politicians like Hillary Clinton who embodies the evil of what our national elections have now been reduced to. However, this post is not my normal rant against the wickedness of Washington or the indifference of the electorate. Instead, it is a warning to the few sane people left in America that our country is being run by crazies; seriously, by people who are mentally ill.

Mental illness is diagnosed when someone is obviously out of touch with reality. Whether we're talking about Hillary Clinton's accusation that opponents of the terrors being perpetrated against unborn children by Planned Parenthood are terrorists or about our president's nuclear deal with Iran, the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world today, both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama are proven to be completely out of touch with reality. In Hillary's demented mind, you're a terrorist if you don't want your hard-earned tax dollars to go to a diabolical organization that is killing innocent unborn children and selling off their body parts for its own profit. In our president's demented mind, we can trust the mad mullahs of Iran to keep their word and not acquire a nuclear weapon, despite the following facts: (1) They have publicly stated their intent to acquire nuclear weapons in order to wipe Israel off the map (2) Their ayatollah recently promised that the day was soon coming when Iran would be able to do more than just talk about bringing "death to America," but actually bring "death to America, and (3) Their ayatollah has secured a deal with Russia's Vladimir Putin to sell Iran a sophisticated missile defense system that could be used to protect Iran in the event of a counter nuclear strike from an Iranian nuclear target.

The ancient Prophet Isaiah spoke of how a nation gets so steeped in sin it becomes sick in the head (Isaiah 1:4-5). According to Isaiah, when a nation gets so stiff-necked in its iniquity that it refuses to repent, it loses its ability to reason and becomes insane. The explanation for the insane policies and positions of modern-day politicians is found in their stiff-necked refusal to repent of their iniquity. Likewise, the unbelievable stupidity of present-day America is contributable to the unrepentant sin of the American people. The reason there is no shortage of stupidity in today's America, is because there is no repentance of sin. As the Bible teaches and we're unfortunately experiencing in our republic gone bananas, rather than a banana republic, unrestrained debauchery eventually leads to derangement and unrepentant sin to moral madness.

If you would like to read more about our president's pathological self-centeredness and why he can never admit being mistaken about anything, then, checkout my article on "The Pharaoh Syndrome." You can read it here: