July 15, 2015 @ 10:40 AM

In 1938, a naive ninny, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, returned from Munich with a signed non-aggression pact with Germany and the promise of Adolf Hitler that he had no desire to go to war. Chamberlain's portrayal of his successful negotiations with the German Fuhrer as "Peace in our time" is known today as one of the most gullible utterances ever utter by a world leader. Shortly after Chamberlain uttered it, Hitler invaded Poland, the world was engulfed in  World War II, and the war ended with mushroom clouds over Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today, another naive ninny, our President Barak Obama, is portraying a nuclear deal with the mad mullahs of Iran as "Peace in our time." Never mind that Iran is the world's number one state sponsor or terrorism, that it is on a mad dash to acquire a nuclear weapon for the publicly stated purpose of wiping Israel off the map, and that its mad mullahs believe, according to their religion and the teachings of its founder, the Prophet Mohammed, that lying and deceit are appropriate means to employ in jihad—holy war—our gullible president still insists that our world is a safer and more secure place now that he has a signed deal with the duplicitous and diabolical Iranian regime. Remember what they say, "If you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it." This time around, however, world conflict won't end with mushroom clouds, but will start with one. In his desperate attempt to secure for himself a legacy, our president, much to the peril of our whole world, has secured a Neville Chamberlain like one for himself. The only difference is, the naivety of an American president in 2015 places our world in far greater peril than the naivety of a British Prime Minister ever could have 1938.