July 11, 2015 @ 9:30 AM

The Confederate flag is being lowered in today's America because it is offensive to African Americans. Interestingly and unbeknownst to most Americans, the Civil War was not fought over slavery, but over states' rights, slavery being the particular issue that instigated the conflict, which was the bloodiest in American history. Today, all God-fearing and descent Americans agree that slavery was an abominable practice and marked one of the darkest chapters in our national story. Still, the truth is; our country abolished slavery at the cost of a Civil War and has long since repented of this past atrocity. Yet, it's the Confederate flag, which represents in the minds of many modern-day Americans the past atrocity of slavery, an atrocity no longer even imaginable in these United States, that is being lowered in today's America. At the same time, another flag, to which allegiance is pledged, flies proudly over this land today, despite the fact that modern-day Americans are being oppressed and states' rights trampled under it. Of course, I'm speaking of the American flag, under which Christian Americans are now being denied their right to freedom of religion and state constitutions are being overturned by an out of control federal judiciary. The voices and votes of millions of Americans who went to the polls in opposition to legalized same-sex marriage in their states have been overruled by five black robed Supreme Court Justices. In addition, Christians in today's America who refuse to be enslaved by the shackles and chains of political correctness are suddenly facing financial ruin over civil litigation for discrimination, as well as possible criminal prosecution for a hate crime over nothing more than their biblical beliefs. 

While this country continues to pat itself on the back for making symbolic gestures over past atrocities, it is blind to present-day atrocities currently threatening individual and states' rights. Undoubtedly, you've heard the old saying, "If we don't learn from history, we're destined to repeat it." If you ask me, we've failed to learn from the Civil War and are now repeating its mistakes in modern-day America. While we lower our Confederate flags a dictatorial federal government is rising under our noses, a government determined to fetter all individuals and states who refuse to subjugate themselves to its dictates.