July 6, 2015 @ 9:30 AM

You've heard it said, "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts." Today, after Greeks went to the polls yesterday and voted to squeeze blood out of a turnip, we need no longer worry about Greeks bearing gifts. Instead, the world's concern today should be over a bankrupt Greece. Despite bankrupt government coffers and defaulting on loans given by other nations to preserve the illusion that the Greek government can operate on hot checks, Greek voters still went to the polls yesterday and declared their confidence in an insolvent government to fully fund the false promises of lying politicians to line the populace's pockets with cash. If the nations of the European Union get weak-kneed over its out of control Euro spending Greek member's unpayable national debt, as well as the Greek voters refusal to face the fact that track can no longer be laid for their gravy train by a government that doesn't even have two nickels to rub together, then, the volatile U.S. stock market could find itself on shaky legs as well. Having flown in the stratosphere of paper money airplanes for some time, Wall Street might be in for another crash landing in the days just ahead.

We all remember the stock market collapse during the presidency of George W. Bush. The market under Bush suffered a record fall of more than 700 points in a single day and eventually tumbled to a record low, losing more than 54% of its value. As a result, Bush nationalized the banks and justified doing so by explaining that he was "abandoning free market principles in order to save the free market." Although elephants are suppose to have good memories, the GOP elephant easily forgets that it was George W. Bush that greased the rack for Barack Obama's socialist agenda. Just as FDR attempted to parlay the Great Depression into a transformation of America into a socialist state, Barack Obama came into the Oval Office on the heels of economic crisis promising America a new "New Deal."

When elected president in 2008, Barack Obama was counseled by Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff at the time, “You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste.” Obama then proceeded to follow Emanuel's advice by attempting to succeed where FDR had failed; namely, to successfully transform our nation into a socialist state under the cover of economic crisis. Unlike FDR, who was thwarted in his plans by an America that was far too politically astute, independent and God fearing, Obama's socialist takeover of America has succeeded at a dizzying pace, thanks to an America that is now dumb downed, dependent upon government and God forsaking.

In light of the above, just imagine what might happen if the U.S. stock market should fall faster and further in the days ahead than it did during the Bush presidency. It's hard to imagine that Wall Street, the world's capital of avarice, will feel no anxiety over the bankruptcy of Greece, a modern-day industrial power whose loose fiscal policies mirror those of other industrial powers in the world today, including our own country. All it will take in the days ahead is a little flinch on the stock exchange floor to precipitate such a collapse, which will in turn afford the Obama Administration an incredible opportunity to make an unprecedented dictatorial power grab. The time is ripe, America is primed, economic crisis is looming, and the present occupant of the Oval Office has no aversion to tyranny.