June 26, 2015 @ 5:00 PM

All hell just broke loose in America. While I was sending out our latest Time Capsule on yesterday's Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, which I said was another great stride toward our country becoming something positively beastly—an anti-Christian nation whose federal government will use its court-granted coercive powers to exercise an intolerant and iron-fisted rule over all who refuse to comply to its dictates—news broke that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriage in America. With this ruling, spawned by egregious human hubris, five Supreme Court Justices have not only thumbed their snooty noses at the voices and votes of millions of Americans, but also at God Almighty, by daring to redefine the divinely ordained institution of marriage. 

This ruling is the first shot fired in what will prove to be an all-out-war against Christians and the Christian faith. By enshrining sin in our law as a civil right and by providing its perpetrators with civil rights protections, our government will use its court-granted coercive powers to silence the preaching of the Gospel in these United States. How can the church fulfill Christ's Great Commission and convince men of their need of the Savior in a country where anyone preaching against sin is subject to financially ruinous civil litigation for discrimination and possible criminal prosecution for committing or inciting a hate crime? 

If one believes the Bible, then, he or she must admit that the sure sign of spiritual reprobation spelled out in the Scripture is the acceptance and advocacy of homosexuality. According to the Apostle Paul, when homosexuality is accepted and advocated, one has reached a point of no return with God (Romans 1:18-32). God has given them over to their reprobate mind and redemption is no longer a possibility. You and I find ourselves today in a spiritually reprobate nation that is morphing into something positively beastly, an openly antichrist country that is growing increasingly intolerant of the truth of the Gospel and all who faithfully proclaim it.

Those of you who read what I write and follow my teaching know that the events of the day have come as no surprise to me. I've been predicting the legalization of same-sex marriage in America for some time now, as well as the unprecedented persecution to follow on all Christians in America. In fact, much to the chagrin and aggravation of some in my congregation, I announced to my church back in April that we would not be participating in the "Stand For Marriage Sunday," an event calling for churches to pray for the Supreme Court to make the right decision about same-sex marriage. As I informed my church that Sunday, I was unwilling for us to participate in what I believed was an exercise in futility, since I was convinced by both Scripture and God's Spirit that the Supremes would get it wrong. The only question I had at the time was whether the decision in favor of same-sex marriage would be 5-4 or 6-3. It turned out to be 5-4.

I shared with my wife this morning that I woke up more depressed than I had ever been in my life. I told her I had a foreboding feeling that today was the day the Supreme Court decision would be announced and that all hell would break loose in our country, proving it to be spiritually reprobate and well on its way to becoming the beastly leader of an end-time world waging all-out-war against Christ and all things Christian. Well, now I know I was right and why I woke up so depressed. 

Two years ago I wrote my book, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: The Compelling Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage. Since then, thanks to the generous supporters of our church and ministry, we've been able to offer the book free of charge to Christians and churches. However, relatively few have taken us up on our offer. Most in church pulpits, as well as church pews, have refused to read our book or to share it with others. What many have done instead is excoriate me for daring to write and publish such a book. Yet, I can't help but wonder how those so concerned over offending thin-skinned sinners in these politically correct times are going to feel in the days ahead when those same sinners prove to be hellbent on outlawing and silencing the preaching of the Gospel altogether in these United States. Folks might not like my book, but they can no longer argue with it, since all I predicted on its pages has now come true in America. We've still got complimentary copies, but the message of the book may now be a moot point, since all we predicted has now come to pass.