June 26, 2015 @ 12:30 PM

Way back in 2005, I wrote an article entitled, “Republican Presidents and their Pig in a Poke Supreme Court Nominees.” The article was written in response to President George W. Bush’s nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. Although President Bush promised to nominate a “strict constructionist” to the court, there was little evidence, if any, that John Roberts  was such a nominee. In fact, there was evidence to the contrary. For instance, Roberts helped the gay rights movement to win a landmark decision before the Supreme Court in 1996. The case, Romer v. Evans, which proved to be the gay rights movement’s most significant legal victory to date, was worked on by Robert’s pro bono. According to the person in charge of pro bono work at Robert’s law firm, Roberts would not have offered his pro bono legal services if the gay rights case had been offensive to him “personally, morally, or religiously.”


Whereas Democratic presidents unhesitatingly nominate radical leftwing ideologues to the Supreme Court, knowing that Republicans will offer little more than token opposition to their confirmation to a lifetime appointment, Republican presidents repeatedly nominate pig in a poke nominees, knowing that any known conservative nominee will be “borked” by the scorched earth policy of liberals, who unlike conservatives, will fight to the death to keep off the court any nominee who cannot be counted on to rubber stamp their socialist agenda. Now that Roberts is on the court, he is no longer a pig in a poke nominee, but proving to be a pig in a blanket Chief Justice: that is, a real wiener wrapped in cheesy political correctness and Obamacare dough.


For all of you Republican Kool-Aid drinkers out there, permit me to remind you that the Supreme Court’s initial ruling in favor of the constitutionality of Obamacare was decided by the slimmest of margins, one vote; and that vote was the vote of John Roberts. Anthony Kennedy, the normal swing vote on the court, voted against the constitutionality of Obamacare on the basis that giving the federal government the power to force the individual to purchase a product (health insurance) “changes the relationship of the federal government to the individual in the most fundamental way.” 


Think about Justice Kennedy’s dissent. Obamacare truly has changed the relationship between the federal government and the individual. No longer is our government the assurer of individual rights and freedoms, but the arbiter of them. By giving the federal government the power to force us to buy something, the Robert’s Court has also given the federal government the power to prohibit us from buying and selling something. With such dictatorial power our government can now subjugate the citizenry, by prohibiting everyone from buying or selling who refuses to bend the knee to Big Brother. Sound familiar?


“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)


In the latest Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, yesterday’s announced King v. Burwell decision, the Robert’s court, according to Justice Scalia’s scathing dissent, proved that it “favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.” Scalia went on to suggest that Obamacare should now be called “SCOTUScare,” since the Supreme Court has decided that “the Affordable Care Act must be saved,” even if it means the court must come out in “defense of the indefensible” and do “somersaults of statutory interpretations.” 


According to the editor of Red State, Erick Erickson, Republicans in both houses of congress have “no intention under the sun of repealing Obamacare,” despite their promise to voters to do so. Furthermore, they also had no intention of “letting it collapse under its own weight with the loss of subsides.” Instead, they were secretly preparing legislation to rush through congress that would have preserved the subsides in federal exchanges if the Supreme Court ruled against them. The reason for this latest in a litany of Republican betrayals of their constituencies was the warnings of pollsters that the collapse of Obamacare would hurt Republican chances in the 2016 elections. Once again, the Grand Old Party is found bowing at the altar of political expediency without a sincere principle to stand on. When will voters, especially evangelical Christians, wake up to the fact that the Republican Party is populated by Judas Iscariots who care nothing about our country’s future survival, but only about their current political careers?


While the Democratic Party is profane, attempting to rid our nation of traditional values and biblical truth, the Republican Party is Pharisaical, populated by hypocrites who honor traditional values and biblical truths with their lips, but never with their actions. As far as I’m concerned, I say, “A pox on both their houses!”


With yesterday’s Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, our country has made another great stride toward becoming something positively beastly, an anti-Christian nation whose federal government will use its court-granted coercive powers to exercise an intolerant and iron-fisted rule over all who refuse to consent to its dictates. When you add to this, the looming proof of our country’s spiritual reprobation in the Supreme Court’s pending announcement of whether or not same-sex marriage will be enshrined in our law, it becomes obvious to the biblically astute observer of current events that we have entered into the perilous times of the last days. On the other hand, everyone else can go ahead with their upcoming Fourth of July celebration, waving their flags, shooting their fireworks, and singing a hearty rendition of Yankee Doodle Dandy.