May 2, 2015 @ 11:30 AM

One is tempted to believe that the absurdities America is presently adopting as foundational stones for our country's future are attributable to intellectual laziness, the dumbing-down of the American people by political correctness, or a combination of both. Yet, the truth is; it is attributable to something nefarious rather than nutty. As the ancient Prophet Isaiah taught, once a nation is steeped in unrepentant sin it becomes "sick in the head" (Isaiah 1:4-5). It will become totally irrational. When a people refuse to turn from sin to the Savior, which is the only reasonable thing for them to do (Isaiah 1:18), they will be stupefied by sin.    
An excellent example of the above is crazy and contradictory arguments made before the Supreme Court this past Tuesday by a lawyer advocating the legalization of same-sex marriage. When this lawyer, Mary Bonauto, was asked by Justice Alito why the legalization of same-sex marriage would not open the door to the legalization of polygamy, she proceeded, apparently unbeknownst to her, to justify the legal prohibition against polygamous marriages with the same arguments being made against the legalization of same-sex marriages. The fact that she articulated her opposition's case and advocated point by point their argument against her seems somehow to have eluded her loony legal mind. 
According to Ms. Bonauto, the justifiable reasons for legally prohibiting multiple-partner marriages are: (1) It would be a redefinition of marriage from two people to more than two (2) It would be prohibited by amendments to state constitutions banning its legality in the states, and (3) It would raise concerns about disrupting family relationships. Sound familiar? These are the exact same arguments that Ms. Bonauto finds unjustifiable when it comes to prohibiting the legalization of same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is a redefinition of marriage from one man and one woman to two men or two women. Same-sex marriage has been legally banned by amendments to state constitutions in the majority of states. And same-sex marriage will disrupt family relationships; for instance, children of same-sex couples will not have the benefit of a mother and a father, but only of two mothers or two fathers. 
As a result of Ms. Bonauto's refusal to repent of her sin―she is a lesbian who has been advocating for the moral equivalency of heterosexuality and homosexuality for more than twenty-five years―she has been stupefied to the point of now being impervious to her own self-contradiction. Her sin has blinded her to reason and left her contradicting herself in her irrational attempts to justify her unrepentant sin. In the midst of her confusion, however, one thing is clear. The only way to legally prohibit the continuous redefinition of marriage until all relationships are deemed marriageable once same-sex marriage is legalized is for the courts to contradict themselves in the future by arguing against themselves to prevent any further redefinition of marriage.