April 30, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

Have you noticed that things politicians would never dared to say in bygone days are being boldly and brazenly said by them today? For instance, take for an example a couple of comments made by the wife of Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend. First, "Heil Hillary" recently said that "deep-seated religious beliefs" against abortion on demand "have to be changed." In other words, government should push people of faith to abandon their politically incorrect convictions. Then, reminiscent of Adolf Hitler, who said, "Society's needs come before the individual's needs," Mrs. Clinton has said, "We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." Such radical socialist rhetoric denouncing both religious freedom and individual rights would have marked the end of a politician's career in yesterday's America. Today, however, it is shamelessly spewed by the leading Democratic candidate for the presidency. Of course, until today, when Bernie Sanders threw his hat into the ring, Hillary was running unopposed for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. The fact that Bernie Sanders has also decided to run for the presidency greatly strengthens my contention that we're not in yesterday's America anymore, since Bernie Sanders is an openly avowed socialist! Who would've thunk it?