April 8, 2015 @ 8:30 AM

I'm sure you've heard the old adage, "Money is power." You're probably also familiar with this popular quip about the so-called new Golden Rule, "He who has the gold, makes the rules." According to the Bible, "The love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy 6:10).

Mike Pence, the current governor of Indiana, once referred to an article I wrote on his website. In the article, written when Pence was serving as a congressman from Indiana, I commended him for being one of the few Republicans courageous enough to stand up for his conservative convictions. Unfortunately, I couldn't write that article today, since Pence caved on his convictions last week under pressure from gays and Indiana business leaders to "fix" Indiana's new religious freedom law.

Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was signed by Governor Pence and passed by his Republican colleagues, was designed to protect the religious freedoms of Christian business owners in Indiana from being forced by the government into compromising their Christian convictions in the conducting of their businesses. However, no sooner had Pence signed it and Republicans passed it than they turned right around and gutted it. Why? Money!

When gays and their politically correct allies threatened to boycott Indiana over the new law, Indiana business leaders started crying "bloody murder" over the possibility of losing a nickel or two in profits. When money started talking, everybody started listening and Indiana's Republicans, including Governor Pence, immediately lined up to do what it said.

Democrats have protested for years that money has corrupted our political process. Although they are right, their protest points to the wrong culprit and their ulterior motive has always been to gain a huge financial advantage in campaign contributions. While they want Wall Street money cutoff from Republican campaigns, they want Union money to continue flowing freely to their campaigns. Like everything they do, Democrats' cry for campaign contribution reform is just another dubious attempt by them to gain control over our country. You can always tell when Democrats are lying. It's anytime they're moving their lips.

Make no mistake about it, our present-day political process is totally corrupted by money, as the events in Indiana last week prove. Regardless of your political party, you can't get on the ballot, much less elected without money, and lots of it. Furthermore, once elected, as Governor Pence and his Republican colleagues understand, you have no hope of remaining in office without the continued backing of big money.

Jesus once said, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and money" (Matthew 6:24). Well, we know who Governor Pence and Indiana Republicans are serving, as well as all modern-day politicians. It's not the Master; it's money. Are you aware of the fact that Christ spoke more about money than any other subject? Are you also aware of the fact that money is the only thing our Lord ever compared as a direct rival with God over the mastery of our lives? Isn't it ironic that our money bears the inscription, "IN GOD WE TRUST," when it's really our money that has become the god present-day America believes in and is now being controlled by?