April 19, 2015 @ 11:30 AM

I expect to be misunderstood by those blinded to "the light of the glorious gospel of Christ" by "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4). However, it is disconcerting to me when I'm misunderstood by my brothers and sisters in Christ. Recently, I've been characterized by some sincere Christians as a mere whiner and complainer. Others have accused me of being part of the problem rather than part of the solution, since my preaching, teaching and writing is so offensive to some people that they supposedly turn their nose up at the grace of God over my uppityness. Although others may believe me so powerful, I'm personally convinced that no poor presentation of the Gospel by me can prevent the salvation of God's elect. If it could, then I would be more powerful than God when it comes to the salvation of souls.

What we are desperately trying to do at Time For Truth Ministries is to convince Christians of the hopelessness of our country’s spiritually reprobate condition. We're not whining or complaining about it. Neither are we trying to antagonize anyone, though I must admit that many will be unavoidably antagonized by what we teach. Instead, we're simply trying to persuade our fellow-believers that we have entered into the divinely preordained and biblically predicted perilous times of the last days. If successful in this endeavor, then, and only then, can we convince our fellow-Christians to prepare for the unprecedented persecution about to befall us, believing our preparedness will prove essential to our faithfulness to Christ in the dark days just ahead.

The vast majority of Christians in the world today are totally oblivious to what is about to befall us in this fallen world, thanks to their naive belief that a world at enmity with God can be befriended by the church if we can just come up with a less offensive Gospel sales pitch and some better marketing techniques. In addition, most American evangelicals still believe, in spite of the dismal failure of their political activism over the past few decades, that America can be turned around if we'll only elect the right candidates in the next election. Such spiritual naiveté blinds us to what is about to befall us, leaving us totally unprepared for the impending and unprecedented persecution now appearing on the horizon of these perilous times.

The question I'm continually asked by my brothers and sisters in Christ is: "What are we to do?" It is the assumption found at the heart of this question that puts me at odds with the vast majority of modern-day evangelicals. Most contemporary Christians believe that there is always something we can do to change what is happening in our world. I, on the other hand, believe that much of what is happening in our world today is the fulfilling of God's divinely preordained and biblically predicted plans and purposes upon this earth. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, since no power on earth, in Heaven, or in Hell can change or prevent it.

Now, I'm not saying that there is nothing we should do. What we should do is what Christ commissioned us to do. We should be boldly proclaiming the Gospel of truth to a truth-hating world. The inevitable result, as Christ Himself warned us, will be this fallen world’s hostility toward us and hatred of us (Matthew 10:16-25; John 15:18-21). Contrary to the naive and wishful thinking of contemporary Christians, there is no way to avoid antagonizing a fallen world at enmity with God if we preach to it the pure and unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Bible warns us not to think too highly of ourselves (Romans 12:3). To me, most contemporary Christians today are guilty of grossly overestimating their own importance. They believe, as today's politically correct culture asserts, that the church's waning influence in this Christ-rejecting world is due to the church's lack of congeniality. Therefore, contemporary Christians believe that if we would only share our faith and engage our culture more congenially, sinners would be falling at the Savior's feet and the world would be rushing into the church. It is this great spiritual delusion that is blinding today’s church to all that is about to befall it in the perilous times of these last days.

Until today's Christians are convinced that we have entered into the biblically predicted perilous times of the last days, they will see no need to prepare for the biblically predicted and unprecedented persecution that is about to befall us. Instead, they will keep believing that winning the world to Christ is as simple as coming up with a better Gospel sales pitch and turning America around is as simple as electing the right candidates in the next election. It is this kind of spiritual naiveté that we're attempting to shatter at Time For Truth Ministries. Of course, it will be shattered soon enough, once all we're presently trying to warn our brothers and sisters in Christ about suddenly comes upon them. There will be no escaping the reality of it then, when all of the present sandcastles Christians are sticking their heads in are swept away by end-time tribulation.