April 6, 2015 @ 12:00 PM

Time For Truth Ministries is dedicated to the sole purpose of speaking God's truth to end-time lies. As time runs out on this sin-cursed, dark and dying world, we are attempting to get the Word of God out to as many peole as we can, as fast as we can. We employ every avenue at our disposal to do so, in hopes of reaching others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truths of God's Word. We are under no illusion that the message we preach or the truths we teach are popular, that the crowd we're reaching is extensive, or that we're persuading multitudes to turn from their sin to the Savior. After all, in these politically correct times, the Gospel we preach is condemned as hate speech, the truths we teach are condemned as intolerance, and I'm personally condemned as a hate monger and bigot, simply because I believe what the Bible says and feel divinely duty bound to share it with others. Still, like the Apostle Paul, I'm compelled to do what I do by the love of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14). In addition, I share the great apostle's heartfelt sentiment, "Woe is me, if I preach not the Gospel" (1 Corinthians 9:16). 

The persecution of the world is to be expected by any prophet (preacher) of God's Word. In fact, it is inevitable to all who are courageous enough to preach the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise and to proclaim the unvarnished sound doctrines of God's Word, especially in these politically correct times when men, as the Bible predicts, can no longer "endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts…heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears" (2 Timothy 4:3). I must admit, however, that I am somewhat surprised when professed Christians respond to what we're doing at Time For Truth Ministries similarly to how the world responds. Some of the most irate opponents we encounter are sitting on church pews rather than barstools and standing in church pulpits rather than marching in Gay Pride Parades. 

Willing to give our church detractors the benefit of the doubt, I'm willing to admit that the problem some have with us may be my fault. It may stem from my failure to clearly communicate to others my sincere intentions. For instance, a sincere and faithful Christian recently characterized what I'm doing as "just complaining to my buddies." Although this comment stung a little, it was good for me to hear, because it lead me to do some real soul searching. I've since asked myself the question, "How can I help others to better understand that I'm not complaining to my buddies, but trying to help my brothers and sisters in Christ to prepare for the dark days just ahead in these end times. Then, I read a couple of articles by popular political pundits posted on the internet this morning. One is by Erick Erickson and can be read here: http://bit.ly/1DbvyaC. The other is by Star Parker and can be read here: http://bit.ly/1HHG1dR.

In the first article, the one by Erick Erickson, who is a Christian political blogger, as well as the editor-in-chief of the blog site RedState.com., we are warned that the events of last week, in particularly the firestrom over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, show us not only "the rapid shift in society…away from the church, but [also] the growing hostility to the church." This biblically predicted growing spirit of antichrist--hostility toward Christ and all things Christian--is something I've been warning my fellow-Christians about for years. I've been tying to warn my brothers and sisters in Christ that the America we've all known and loved is no more. It is history. It is gone, never to return again. Yet, rising from its ashes is a new America, one which will play a positively beastly role in the biblically predicted end-time scenario. It will lead the end-time fallen world in its final all-out-assault on Christ and all things Christian.

Erickson goes on to say in his article that the church will need "strong pastors to shepherd the flock" in the difficult days ahead. He speaks of how "many a pastor who has trotted out feel good messages and motivational talks" are about to "be forced to choose between Christ and pop culture." He even predicts that mega churches will "begin to crumble" as a consequence of their "high living pastors" choosing to keep their churches afloat rather than preaching the truth to this sinking sinful world. He concludes with the following: "More and more," in the days ahead, "it will be important for Christians to be part of a church community. They will need to surround themselves and their children with fellow believers who hold fast to the tenets of the faith even unto persecution and the end. Christians will need each others’ strength and prayer in the coming times…We will need each other and we will need strong voices willing to persevere against the coming storm.”

What Erickson, a former political contributor for CNN, says we're going to need in the days ahead is what I've been trying to provide for some time now. Mine is a "strong voice" crying in the wilderness. I often feel nobody is listening, but I'm compelled by God to keep yelling my head off. I've been trying to convince today's church to prepare itself, as Erickson says we must, for the coming, unprecedented persecution. Yet, my call for preparation is misunderstood as mere protestation and my brothers and sisters in Christ often see me as an impediment to persuading this world, which crucified our Savior and is now quickly gathering its forces to stamp out His church, to attend contemporary church services.

Mine is a lonely calling, with few peers and a dwindling number of friends. I've often admitted to my wife that I am either a prophet of God or a crackpot. Although most people think I'm crazy, the jury is still out. Time will tell! According Erick Erickson, I'm not as crazy as most people think I am. If, as Erickson predicts they must, other preachers are forced to change their message in the dark days ahead, at least I won't have to, since I've been preaching this message all along.


The second article, by Star Parker, speaks of how all-out-war is breaking out in the world today against the Christian Faith. To prove her point, Parker points to the animosty of Apple toward Christianity, which should come as no surprise, since the company's logo celebrates man's eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Tim Cook, Apples' openly gay CEO, is shown to possess the common double standard of today's politically correct crowd by his condemning of a Christian baker in America for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, while at the same time opening marketing and retail operations for his company in Muslim countries where homosexuality is not only outlawed, but perpetrators can be punished with 450 lashes or even sentenced to death. Cook has no problem with Islam, despite the manifold atrocities being perpetrated by Muslims in the world today. Instead, it's Christianity that Cook hates, as well as any Christian who refuses to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Muslims can arrest gays, whip them and even put them to death, but Christians can't refuse to let homosexuals have their cake and eat it to.

Parker, like Erickson, is another political columnist writing today about what I've been preaching for years. If I could only get those who profess Christ to open their eyes, like these two political pundits, to what is going on in our country and world. Before our very eyes we are seeing the beginning of this fallen world's final, end-time and biblically predicted all-out-war against the Christian Faith. Yet, as the storm clouds gather, the contemporary church continues to whistle in the dark, believing the darkness can be easily dispelled by the church's adoption of the latest Madison Avenue marketing techniques or by a better and less offensive gospel sales-pitch. God help us!