December 4, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

Little did I know when I posted my piece on last week’s shooting in Colorado Springs, that liberals, in particularly the liberal media, were about to prove my point, as well as their bias in spades. When the shooting occurred at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, the liberal media rushed to judgment, despite the fact there was no evidence to substantiate the liberals’ narrative. The shooter was immediately associated with pro-life Christians, who are outraged over recently released videos proving Planned Parenthood to be a diabolical organization murdering babies and marketing their body parts for profit. Of course, we now know that the shooter was neither a church goer nor a pro-life activist. Still, the liberal media had to libel Christians in its desperate attempt to target public outrage against Christianity and away from the very real evil being perpetrated by Planned Parenthood.


On the very day I posted my piece on the liberal media’s bias reporting on the Colorado Springs shooting, another tragic public shooting occurred in San Bernardino, California. This time, however, there was no rush to judgment by the liberal media. In fact, our president warned us from the Oval Office that we should not jump to conclusions before all the evidence is in. According to him, the known Muslim shooters had mixed motives, which he suggested might mean that the shooting was not “terrorist-related” at all, but only “workplace-related.” 


Unlike the shooting in Colorado Springs, when the media reported, even before the shooter’s identity was known, that the shooting was associated with pro-life Christians, the media, with the exception of Fox News, refused for hours to report the known name—Syed Rizwan Farook—of one of shooters in San Bernardino. Finally, forced to save face by the emerging fact that the shooters were definitely Muslims, the liberal media reluctantly reported the shooters as Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik. 


No sooner had the identity of the shooters been identified, however, than the liberal media began its desperate attempt to absolve both the shooters and their religion of all responsibility. Farook was not to blame, some liberals suggested, but his upbringing in a troubled home. From a quiet and “respectful” kid, Farook had grown up into a hard-worker who smiled a lot. In light of this, the liberal media mused on and on over what could possibly have possessed such a “good” man professing such a “peace loving” religion to commit so heinous a crime. Surely, he had been incited to commit such violence, which would prove him to be a victim of other people’s insensitivity and intolerance rather than a villain who had committed the villainous act of mass murder.


Perhaps, Farook was offended by his office’s holiday party or by his fellow-workers’ lack of appreciation for the homemade clock he brought to the party. Perhaps, it was Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew and fellow-worker, who set Farook off by publicly sharing his Christian faith at the office place. After all, this would explain why Thalasinos was targeted by Farook during his murderous rampage. In an interview with Thalasinos’ grieving widow, CNN correspondent Gary Tuchman actually suggested to her that her husband may have been asking for it. Incredibly, in the eyes of liberals, Christians are to blame even when Muslims are pulling triggers on Christian targets.


Instead of blaming Farook and his wife for the San Bernardino shooting, President Barack Obama blamed all of us. According to him, “we all have a part to play” in the perpetration of such murderous rampages in America. The blame for public shootings is squarely placed by our president at the feet of the American people, for refusing to allow him to repeal the Second Amendment and to strip us of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. As we all know from our government’s outlawing of alcoholic beverages during Prohibition, as well as our government’s outlawing of illegal drugs today, the outlawing of guns will not decrease the number of guns in America, but only increase the number of outlaws. Still, our president, like all modern-day liberals, must spin every public shooting into something that demonizes those who disagree with liberals and their agenda.


Now, all of this goes to prove something far more ominous than liberal bias. It goes to prove that we have entered into the biblically predicted perilous times of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1). Days in which the spirit of antichrist is sweeping our planet, as John predicted it would in 1 John 4:3. Worldwide hostility toward Christ and all things Christian is ever-growing. It is ushering in what will prove to be unprecedented persecution against the Christian church. These things, long ago foretold by ancient Scripture, are unstoppable, as is proven by the fact that the liberal’s unabated hostility toward Christianity has absolutely no basis in fact. In fact, it flies in the face of all the facts. 


Unbeknownst to the vast majority of people on our planet, including the majority of evangelical Christians, this phenomenal permeating of our modern-day world with anti-christian sentiment is not an ideological or political thing. It is a spiritual thing! It is the beginning of the biblically predicted end-time spiritual delusion that will sweep away this earth’s Christ-hating population to their eternal damnation, as the Apostle Paul predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12. According to Paul, everyone who refuses to believe, receive, and love the truth—Jesus Christ—will be caught up in the “lie” and carried along to their own destruction by the “deceivableness of their own unrighteousness.” 


Today’s Christ-haters can’t help themselves. There is no reasoning with them. This thing is on and it can’t be stopped. The powers behind what is occurring in our world our spiritual, not political. Politicians are nothing but pawns in the hands of the real powers orchestrating the manifestation of the biblically predicted end-time scenario. It is high time Christians woke up to what is happening and prepared for what is ahead. It’s time to go to prayer, not to the polls. No politician can save us. Although our redemption is drawing near, between us and the return of our Savior is unprecedented persecution. This is why I write these posts. They are not intended to call you, my fellow-Christian, to action against all that is happening, since there is nothing we can do about it, but to warn you to prepare for what is surely coming.