October 2, 2015 @ 10:30 AM

In 2001, just prior to the 9/11 terrorist attack upon our nation, leaders from around the world came together in Durban, South Africa for what was called the World Conference Against Racism. To me, this event was the most incredible revelation ever seen of the growing antichrist spirit upon this earth, a spirit the Bible predicts will grow until it crest and breaks all over our planet, ushering in the final and cataclysmic judgment of God upon this Christ-hating world. In the conference, the delegates blamed all racism throughout history, as well as in our present-day world, on two sources; namely, Christians and Jews. In addition, the delegates pointed their fingers at Israel, the Zionist State, and America, the so-called Christian nation, as the perpetrators of all racism today. In response, the Israeli and American delegations walked out of the conference in protest. 


I personally couldn't believe the devil, the master of deception, had so overplayed his hand. As Jesus taught, the thief likes to work incognito, so that neither his presence nor plans are detected by his targeted victims. As soon, however, as this global spirit of antichrist surfaced, it was submerged beneath the smoke of the 9/11 terrorist attacks upon our nation. Though most people forgot all about it, having their attention diverted by the fall of the Twin Towers, it has remained in my mind as proof positive of our present-day world’s hatred of God’s people, both His Old Testament people, the Jews, and His New Testament people, Christians. 


Now, let’s fast forward to today. In light of the 2001 Durban conference, our president has went out of his way throughout his presidency to assure the world that America is no longer a Christian nation. Furthermore, his administration has proven to be most antagonist toward practicing Christians, even to the point of now threatening our religious liberty by holding over our heads financially ruinous civil litigation for discrimination and possible criminal prosecution for hate crimes. Under his presidency, Christians who stand upon the sound doctrine of Scripture and for their sincere Christian convictions have been caricatured as hatemongers spewing hate-speech and spawning hate crimes.


At the same time he has been striking out against Christians, our president has struck an insane nuclear deal with Iran, the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world today. The deal all but assures us of a nuclear armed Iran, a Shiite Muslim nation that believes it is its religious duty to destroy the nation of Israel in order to prepare the way for their coming Mahdi, who will lead Muslims in the Islamic conquest of the world. Despite Iran’s public vow to destroy the nation of Israel as soon as it acquires a nuclear weapon, our president insists that we can trust the mad mullahs of Iran, even to the point of taking them at their word when it comes to their peaceful nuclear intentions and filling their coffers with 100 billion dollars of American taxpayer money.


Yesterday, you saw played out before your very eyes the spirit of antichrist that is now sweeping over our planet, a spirit that possesses the current occupant of the Oval Office and that was exposed in 2001 for all the world to see in Durban, South Africa. First, there was the deafening silence in response to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN, in which he stared down UN delegates for doing nothing in response to Iran’s repeated claims to destroy Israel and the Jews. Second, there was the tragic shooting at a community college in Oregon, where Christians were targeted and shot in the head for their confession of Christ. 


When it comes to Iran’s threatening of Israel and the Jewish people, our spirit of antichrist possessed president is not only eerily silent in response to it, but appears hellbent on aiding Iran in carrying out its threat to wipe Israel off the map. When it comes to yesterday’s shooting of Christians in Oregon, our spirit of antichrist possessed president was not only eerily silent about the shooter’s religious discrimination, but responded by calling once again for new gun control laws, which would disarm law-abiding citizens and leave the only guns in this country in the hands of law-breakers and government forces, which are becoming more and more antichrist. Make no mistake about it; as yesterday proves, the spirit of Durban or, as it is biblically delineated, the spirit of antichrist, is alive and well in the world today!