September 29, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

As "rights," such as a woman's right to choose over her baby's right to life and the right of homosexuals to redefine the God ordained institution of marriage to include their sexual perversion, continue to be pulled out of nowhere, but the empty space between the ears of a majority of Supreme Court Justices, our President, according to a recent speech he made before members of the LGBT community, believes the parameters of our religious freedom should be continuously reset to restrict us all more and more in the practice of our religious faith. In our president's America, the confines within which we are to be allowed to follow our religious convictions are to be determined by the dictates of the Supreme Court. Christians should be prohibited in this country from following their Christian convictions and the sound doctrine of Scripture anytime they are found to be contrary to the thinking of Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Anthony Kennedy. Furthermore, we should be forced to pay for abortions with our taxpayer dollars and to accommodate homosexuals in our businesses even when doing so violates our Christian convictions and the clear teaching of Scripture. In case you haven't caught on, what our president actually believes is that the government should determine what all people of faith can and cannot believe and practice, which, of course, is religious oppression rather than religious freedom. Welcome to Barack Obama's America.
I don't know why anyone would be surprised by our president's public profession of his belief in religious oppression. Way back in 2006, he made the following startling statement in his much ballyhooed speech on the subject of religion in America: “Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religious-specific, values.” In other words, President Obama said that the only religion acceptable in a democracy is one that is offensive to no faith and universally acceptable to all faiths. It is a faith that is conformable with and compatible to all other faiths; a faith within which sound doctrine and sincere convictions are forbidden for the sake of ecumenical goodwill. 
When our president—the Prevaricator—met last week with the pope—the Pontificator—and claimed to be a defender of religious liberty, I was appalled. It was equivalent to Adolf Hitler claiming to be a defender of Jewish Bar Mitzvahs. In our president and Pope Francis I see two prime candidates for the two beasts of Revelation Chapter 13. Our president, who is determined to control our religious beliefs and behavior, is a prime candidate for the first beast, who will demand that the whole end-time world not only submit to him, but also bow before him. The pope, who is determined to bring all religions together under the umbrella of an apostate church, is a prime candidate for the second beast, who will lead the whole end-time world into a syncretistic one-world religion within which all faiths will be amalgamated at the feet of the first beast. Far from a champion of religious liberty and the vicar of Christ upon earth, all I see when I look at President Obama and Pope Francis is two beastly figures. What do you see?