October 27, 2014 @ 8:00 AM

To raise the ire of both sides of the political aisle against me once more, let me repeat my oft repeated opinion of modern-day politics: "Democrats are godless and Republicans are gutless." I have no respect for either side of the political aisle and refuse to pick and choose between the least of evils, which is our only alternative in today's corrupt political system and politically correct society. Permit me to use one of a multitude of available examples to illustrate my disdain for modern-day politics and why I refuse to swill down the Republican Kool-Aid so many of my evangelical brothers and sisters gullibly gulp down each election.

As I'm sure you know, our president has brazenly issued an executive order to obtain millions of blank green cards, which he obviously intends to use after the election to make illegal immigrants legal. Although he has trampled the constitution and violated the law with other executive orders, this is by far his most egregious offense when it comes to his usurpation of dictatorial powers. In light of all of this, ask yourself why Mr. Obama's previous unlawful executive orders have been met with barely a peep of protest from Republican lawmakers and why Republican candidates are not using our president's upcoming and unprecedented power grab as an earthshaking political issue in this year's election. The answer is simple; Republicans are afraid it will hurt their chances of winning elections, especially their chances of winning the votes of Hispanics, the country's largest and fastest growing minority constituency.

There you have it! A lawless Democrat dictates his socialist agenda on America with the mere stroke of his presidential pen, while gutless Republican lawmakers won't even address it, much less oppose it, for fear it may cost them at the polls. Godless Democrats are having their way with America in these politically correct times because gutless Republicans are far more concerned about their political careers than they are about their country. Folks, there is only one hope for America, and it's not found in the ballot boxes of polling places, but in the pulpits of churches. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the light of which is beginning to flicker in these politically correct times. May God help us!