October 13, 2014 @ 8:00 AM

I think its time Christians targeted Target as a “No Trespass Zone.” The company that attempted to ban the mention of “Merry Christmas” from their stores has now released a new advertisement featuring two lesbians preparing a room for the arrival of “their” child. The ad begins with the two lesbians saying, “I’m Amanda, and I’m Cat, and we’re having a baby!” Of course, this is a biological impossibility, but why bother with the facts when you’re trying to promote sexual perversion as moral wholesomeness and the foundation of a healthy home?

One can’t help but asks why Target insists upon taking sides in the controversial social issues of our day. If their purpose is to sell products for profit, then, why do they want to push a social agenda that offends part of their clientele, Christians in particular? The answer has to be that they don’t care if Christians are offended, because they don’t believe offending Christians will have any adverse effect upon their business.

When is the last time you shopped at a Kmart or even saw a Kmart store? While other factors certainly contributed to the financial demise of Kmart, one that is often forgotten is Christians boycott of Kmart over its support of pornography. What would happen if Christians boycotted Target? Would Target stores soon be as scarce as Kmarts?

Like our president, who believed coming out in favor of same-sex marriage before the last presidential election would help rather than hinder his bid for reelection, Target obviously feels that their support of same-sex marriage will bolster their business, not hurt it. Furthermore, I must admit that Target, like our president, may be proven right in our present-day amoral and immoral society. Still, as much as I love Target’s popcorn, I’ve eaten my last bag. My decision may not bankrupt Target, but it will keep me from contributing to our country’s moral bankruptcy. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn once said: “The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. The lie may take the world, but not through me.”